I send out a lot of newsletters.
Luckily, you can choose which newsletters you wish to receive. Here’s how.
On the web, just go to the upper right corner where your user name is and click your profile. Look for “Manage Subscription.”
If you’re on a smartphone using the Substack app, tap the ellipse as shown as shown here, then tap "View Publication:”
In both cases, you’ll see a menu item titled “Manage Subscriptions:”
Tap or click “Manage Subscriptions.” Scroll down until you see the “Notifications” setting:
Choose the sections that most interest you. More accurately, since Substack defaults to sending newsletters for all of them, choose the ones you don’t want to receive as an email.
If you don’t want fiction posts, simply turn them off. Tired of politics? I categorize most of my political posts under “Ruminato Politics.” A lot of us are sick of politics, even me (sometimes). You can turn them off here.
You can always explore stories and essays later on the website or app. Turning them off doesn’t hide them in the app or website. All of the posts you’re interested in will be categorized and posted accordingly. Hopefully, the categories are self-explanatory. If not, let me know.
Let me know if this doesn’t work for you or if you have questions. You can add a comment here or message me.
I don’t mind cluttering up your inbox, but you might be less enthused. You can do something about it if you wish! I hope you’ll consider this handy tip instead of canceling your subscription next time you feel inundated.
I’m happy to report that, so far, that doesn’t seem to be a problem. Subscription cancellations have been few and far between so far. If you’re one of those who enjoys the variety, yay! Thanks for sticking with my nearly daily posts. And if you’re one of those only here for one type of content, glad to have you, too. Hopefully, this post will help you manage that.
I’d do a poll on reader preferences, but that can be embarrassing if only a few people answer it. Although that doesn’t seem to stop the New York Times’ pollmaster, Nate Cohn.
Thanks for subscribing! Have a great weekend.
Big hat tip to
, who posted this tip for his own stack today.
This is good info....every time I publish a new piece, I invariably lose one or 3 subscribers, leaving me to wonder if it was something I said! 😂 But people have a LOT to read here, so I get it. And then I'll pick up some new folks and it evens out, I guess.