The Full List of Government Agencies and Programs Frozen by Trump
The number of programs affected by this attempt to neuter Congress is breathtaking. And they're all here.
Note: Some program/funding names are incomplete. This is how the data was originally presented in the OMB document, and is an artifact of Trump minion incompetence.
Full List of Government Agencies and their Programs Affected by Trump’s OBM Slash and Burn Directive
Department of Agriculture: Farm Storage Facility Loans
Department of Agriculture: Conservation Reserve Program
Department of Agriculture: Wetlands Reserve Program
Department of Agriculture: Biomass Crop Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: Livestock Forage Disaster Program
Department of Agriculture: “Voluntary Public Access
and Habitat Incentive Program”
Department of Agriculture: Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops
Department of Agriculture: Water Saving Commodities Grant
Department of Agriculture: “Reimbursement
Transportation Cost Payment Program for”
Department of Agriculture: Conservation Loans
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Forest Restoration Program
Department of Agriculture: Livestock Indemnity Program 2014 Farm Bill
Department of Agriculture: Livestock Forage Disaster Program
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Assistance
for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm”
Department of Agriculture: Tree Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: Pr ce Loss Coverage
Department of Agriculture: Agriculture Risk Coverage Program
Department of Agriculture: The Margin Protection Program
Department of Agriculture: “2017 Wildfires and
Hurricanes Indemnity Program”
Department of Agriculture: Market Facilitation Program
Department of Agriculture: Dairy Margin Coverage
Department of Agriculture: Heirs†Property Relending Program
Department of Agriculture: Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program Plus
Department of Agriculture: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 1
Department of Agriculture: Seafood Trade Relief Program (STRP)
Department of Agriculture: Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2
Department of Agriculture: Quality Loss Adjustment Program
Department of Agriculture: Oriental Fruit Fly Program
Department of Agriculture: Supplemental Dairy Margin Coverage
Department of Agriculture: Pandemic Livestock Indemnity Program
Department of Agriculture: “Organic and Transitional Education
and Certification”
Department of Agriculture: “Food Safety
Cert fication for Specialty Crops”
Department of Agriculture: Pandemic Assistance Revenue Program
Department of Agriculture: Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program
Department of Agriculture: “Farm Service Agency Taxpayer Outreach
Education and”
Department of Agriculture: Outreach Education and Technical Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Livestock Relief Program
Department of Agriculture: Market News
Department of Agriculture: Marketing Agreements and Orders
Department of Agriculture: Federal State Marketing Improvement Program
Department of Agriculture: Inspection Grading and Standardization
Department of Agriculture: Market Protection and Promotion
Department of Agriculture: “Wholesale Farmers and Alternative Market
Department of Agriculture: Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act
Department of Agriculture: Transportation Services
Department of Agriculture: Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Farm Bill
Department of Agriculture: Organic Certification Cost Share Programs
Department of Agriculture: “Sheep Production and Marketing Grant
Department of Agriculture: Acer Access Development Program
Department of Agriculture: “Farmers Market and
Local Food Promotion Program”
Department of Agriculture: Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives
Department of Agriculture: Regional Food System Partnerships
Department of Agriculture: Micro Grants for Food Security Program
Department of Agriculture: “Meat and Poultry
Inspection Readiness Grants —
Department of Agriculture: “Pandemic Relief
Activities Farm and Food Worker Relief”
Department of Agriculture: “Pandemic Relief Activities Local Food
Purchase Agreements”
Department of Agriculture: Pandemic Market Volatility Assistance Program (PMVAP)
Department of Agriculture: “Pandemic Relief
Activities Meat and Poultry Processing”
Department of Agriculture: “Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement
Department of Agriculture: Regional Food Business Centers
Department of Agriculture: “The Emergency Food
Assistance Program (TEFAP) Commodity”
Department of Agriculture: Organic Market Development Grant (OMDG) Program
Department of Agriculture: Local Meat Capacity Grants
Department of Agriculture: Resilient Food System Infrastructure Program
Department of Agriculture: “Pandemic Assistance for Cotton
Merchandisers (PACM)”
Department of Agriculture: “Commodity Credit
Corporation (CCC) Funding to Alleviate”
Department of Agriculture: “Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
Funding to Alleviate”
Department of Agriculture: Organic Dairy Product Promotion
Department of Agriculture: “Grants for Agricultural Research, Special
Research Grants”
Department of Agriculture: Cooperative Forestry Research
Department of Agriculture: “Payments to
Agricultural Experiment Stations Under the”
Department of Agriculture: “Payments to 1890 Land Grant Colleges
and Tuskegee”
Department of Agriculture: Animal Health and Disease Research
Department of Agriculture: “Higher Education National Needs
Graduate Fellowship”
Department of Agriculture: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program / Small
Department of Agriculture: “Sustainable Agriculture
Research and Education”
Department of Agriculture: “1890 Institution Capacity Building
Department of Agriculture: “Higher Education Institution Challenge
Grants Program”
Department of Agriculture: Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research
Department of Agriculture: Higher Education Mult cultural Scholars Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: “Tribal Colleges Education Equity
Department of Agriculture: Tribal Colleges Endowment Program
Department of Agriculture: “Hispanic Serving Institutions Education
Department of Agriculture: Community Food Projects
Department of Agriculture: “Secondary Education, Two Year
Department of Agriculture: 1994 Institutions Research Grants
Department of Agriculture: “Alaska Native Serving and Native Hawaiian
Serving Institutions”
Department of Agriculture: Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching &
Department of Agriculture: Farm of the Future
Department of Agriculture: “Agriculture Business Innovation Center at
Department of Agriculture: Blue Ribbon
Department of Agriculture: Open Data Standards
Department of Agriculture: American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program
Department of Agriculture: Bioproduct Pilot Program
Department of Agriculture: “From Learning to Leading Cultivating the
Next Generation of”
Department of Agriculture: Institute of Rural Partnership (GP 780)
Department of Agriculture: Human Health and Soil Health Study
Department of Agriculture: Institute of Rural Partnerships (GP 778)
Department of Agriculture: “American Rescue Plan
Centers of Excellence for Meat and Poultry”
Department of Agriculture: “Special Supplemental Nutr tion Program for
Women, Infants, and”
Department of Agriculture: Laying Hen and Turkey Research Program
Department of Agriculture: Research Facilities Act Program
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Citrus
Disease Research and Extension Program”
Department of Agriculture: “Agricultural and Rural Economic Research,
Department of Agriculture: Consumer Data and Nutr tion Research
Department of Agriculture: “Research Innovation
and Development Grants in Economic”
Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Market and Economic Research
Department of Agriculture: “Agricultural and Food Policy Research
Department of Agriculture: Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Department of Agriculture: Integrated Programs
Department of Agriculture: “Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative
Department of Agriculture: International Science and Education Grants
Department of Agriculture: “Organic Agriculture
Research and Extension Initiative”
Department of Agriculture: “Resident Instruction, Agriculture, and Food Science Facilities and”
Department of Agriculture: Specialty Crop Research Initiative
Department of Agriculture: “Agriculture and Food Research Initiative
Department of Agriculture: “Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development
Department of Agriculture: “Biomass Research and
Development Initiative Competitive Grants”
Department of Agriculture: “Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment
Department of Agriculture: “Women and Minorities in Science, Technology,
Engineering, and”
Department of Agriculture: “Farm Business Management and
Department of Agriculture: Sun Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: “Distance Education
Grants for Institutions of Higher Education in”
Department of Agriculture: “Capacity Building for Non Land Grant
Colleges of Agriculture”
Department of Agriculture: Food Safety Outreach Program
Department of Agriculture: “Crop Protection and Pest Management
Competitive Grants”
Department of Agriculture: Alfalfa Seed and Alfalfa Forage Systems Program
Department of Agriculture: “Gus Schumacher
Nutr tion Incentive Program”
Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative
Department of Agriculture: “Urban, Indoor, and Other Emerging
Agricultural Production”
Department of Agriculture: “Enhancing Agricultural
Opportunities for Military Veterans”
Department of Agriculture: Veterinary Services Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: “Conservation and Urban Resources
Department of Agriculture: Technical Assistance to Cooperatives
Department of Agriculture: Rural Business Development Grant
Department of Agriculture: Value Added Producer Grants
Department of Agriculture: “Biobased Market Development and
Access Grant Program”
Department of Agriculture: “Agriculture Innovation Center Demonstration
Department of Agriculture: Biofuel Producer Program
Department of Agriculture: Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program
Department of Agriculture: “Meat and Poultry
Processing Expansion Program”
Department of Agriculture: “Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending
Department of Agriculture: Fertilizer Product Expansion Program
Department of Agriculture: “Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat
Processing Grant”
Department of Agriculture: Timber Production Expansion Guaranteed Loans
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Loans
Department of Agriculture: Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants
Department of Agriculture: Farm Operating Loans and Loan Guarantees
Department of Agriculture: Farm Ownership Loans and Loan Guarantees
Department of Agriculture: Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans and Loan Guarantees
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Housing Site
Loans and Self Help Housing Land”
Department of Agriculture: Rural Rental Housing Loans
Department of Agriculture: Very Low Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants
Department of Agriculture: Rural Self Help Housing Technical Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Indian Tribes and Tribal Corporation Loans
Department of Agriculture: Rural Rental Assistance Payments
Department of Agriculture: Rural Housing Preservation Grants
Department of Agriculture: State Mediation Grants
Department of Agriculture: “Section 538 Rural
Rental Housing Guaranteed Loans”
Department of Agriculture: “Outreach and Assistance for Socially
Disadvantaged and”
Department of Agriculture: Rural Community Development Initiative
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Multi Family
Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program”
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Development Multi Family Housing
Rural Housing Voucher”
Department of Agriculture: Boll Weevil Eradication Loan Program
Department of Agriculture: Crop Insurance
Department of Agriculture: Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: Risk Management Education Partnerships
Department of Agriculture: Pandemic Cover Crop Program
Department of Agriculture: “Transitional and Organic Grower
Assistance Program”
Department of Agriculture: “Socially Disadvantaged
Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center”
Department of Agriculture: Minority Serv ng Institutions Partnership
Department of Agriculture: Student Internship Programs
Department of Agriculture: “Cooperative Agreements with States
for Intrastate Meat and”
Department of Agriculture: “Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products Inspection”
Department of Agriculture: “Food Safety
Cooperative Agreements”
Department of Agriculture: “Multi Family Housing Non Profit Transfer
Technical Assistance”
Department of Agriculture: “Farm Labor Housing Technical Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Cooperative Extension Service
Department of Agriculture: Smith Lever Extension Funding
Department of Agriculture: “Extension Services at
1890 Colleges and Tuskegee University,”
Department of Agriculture: “Facility Improvements at 1890 Facilities (Sec
Department of Agriculture: “Expanded Food and Nutr tion Education
Department of Agriculture: Renewable Resources Extension Act
Department of Agriculture: Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program
Department of Agriculture: Tribal Colleges Extension Programs
Department of Agriculture: Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
Department of Agriculture: Equipment Grants Program (EGP)
Department of Agriculture: “Agriculture Risk
Management Education Partnerships”
Department of Agriculture: “Children, Youth and Families At Risk”
Department of Agriculture: “Food and Agriculture Service Learning
Department of Agriculture: Centers of Excellence at 1890 Institutions
Department of Agriculture: Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions
Department of Agriculture: “Farm and Ranch Stress
Assistance Network Competitive Grants”
Department of Agriculture: New Beginning for Tribal Students
Department of Agriculture: “USDA WIC Telehealth Evaluation
Department of Agriculture: “Food Distribution Program on Indian
Reservations (FDPIR)”
Department of Agriculture: State Agency Farm to School Program Training and Curricula
Department of Agriculture: School Nutrition Training Grants
Department of Agriculture: SNAP Ed Toolkit
Department of Agriculture: “SNAP Fraud Framework
Implementation Grant”
Department of Agriculture: “Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment”
Department of Agriculture: CNMI Nutrition Assistance
Department of Agriculture: “Participant Research
Innovation Laboratory for Enhancing WIC”
Department of Agriculture: “Child Nutrition Technology Innovation
Department of Agriculture: Pandemic EBT Food Benefits
Department of Agriculture: “Farmers†Market
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program”
Department of Agriculture: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: School Breakfast Program
Department of Agriculture: National School Lunch Program
Department of Agriculture: Special Milk Program for Children
Department of Agriculture: “WIC Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,”
Department of Agriculture: Child and Adult Care Food Program
Department of Agriculture: Summer Food Service Program for Children
Department of Agriculture: “State Administrative
Expenses for Child Nutr tion”
Department of Agriculture: “State Administrative Matching Grants for the
Supplemental Nutrition”
Department of Agriculture: “Commodity Supplemental Food
Department of Agriculture: Nutr tion Assistance For Puerto Rico
Department of Agriculture: Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Food
Assistance Program (Administrative Costs)”
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Food Assistance Program
(Food Commodities)”
Department of Agriculture: “WIC Farmers’ Market Nutr tion Program
Department of Agriculture: Team Nutrition Grants
Department of Agriculture: Farm to School Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: Senior Farmers Market Nutr tion Program
Department of Agriculture: SNAP Partnership Grant
Department of Agriculture: WIC Grants To States (WGS)
Department of Agriculture: “Child Nutrition
Discretionary Grants Limited Availability”
Department of Agriculture: “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,
Process and”
Department of Agriculture: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Department of Agriculture: FNS Food Safety Grants
Department of Agriculture: National Food Service Management Institute Administration and
Department of Agriculture: “Bill Emerson National
Hunger Fellows and Mickey Leland”
Department of Agriculture: “Food Distribution Program on Indian
Reservations Nutrition”
Department of Agriculture: “Foreign Market Development
Cooperator Program”
Department of Agriculture: Market Access Program
Department of Agriculture: Emerging Markets Program
Department of Agriculture: “Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops
Department of Agriculture: Quality Samples Program
Department of Agriculture: Food for Progress
Department of Agriculture: Food for Education
Department of Agriculture: Export Guarantee Program
Department of Agriculture: “USDA Local and Regional Food Aid
Procurement Program”
Department of Agriculture: Faculty Exchange Program
Department of Agriculture: Pima Agriculture Cotton Trust Fund
Department of Agriculture: “Agriculture Wool
Apparel Manufacturers Trust Fund”
Department of Agriculture: “PL 480 Market Development and
Technical Assistance”
Department of Agriculture: Regional Agricultural Promotion Program
Department of Agriculture: “International Agricultural Education Fellowship
Department of Agriculture: Scientific Exchanges Program
Department of Agriculture: Assisting Specialty Crop Exports
Department of Agriculture: Food for Opportunity
Department of Agriculture: Farm to School State Formula Grant
Department of Agriculture: “Summer Electronic
Benefit Transfer Program for Children”
Department of Agriculture: Pandemic EBT Administrative Costs
Department of Agriculture: Forestry Research
Department of Agriculture: Cooperative Forestry Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Schools and Roads Grants to States
Department of Agriculture: Schools and Roads Grants to Counties
Department of Agriculture: Wood Utilization Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Urban and Community Forestry Program
Department of Agriculture: Forest Legacy Program
Department of Agriculture: Forest Stewardship Program
Department of Agriculture: Collaborative Forest Restoration
Department of Agriculture: Forest Health Protection
Department of Agriculture: Wood Education and Resource Center (WERC)
Department of Agriculture: National Forest Foundation
Department of Agriculture: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Department of Agriculture: International Forestry Programs
Department of Agriculture: “Community Forest and
Open Space Conservation Program”
Department of Agriculture: Lake Tahoe Erosion Control Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: Good Neighbor Authority
Department of Agriculture: “Watershed Restoration and Enhancement
Agreement Authority”
Department of Agriculture: “Southwest Forest Health and Wildfire
Department of Agriculture: “State & Private Forestry
Hazardous Fuel Reduction Program”
Department of Agriculture: “State & Private Forestry Cooperative Fire
Department of Agriculture: Partnership Agreements
Department of Agriculture: National Agricultural Library
Department of Agriculture: Stewardship Agreements
Department of Agriculture: “Alaska National Interest
Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) Agreements”
Department of Agriculture: Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement
Department of Agriculture: Law Enforcement Agreements
Department of Agriculture: Cooperative Forest Road Agreements
Department of Agriculture: Grey Towers Cooperative Authorities
Department of Agriculture: “Research Joint Venture
and Cost Reimbursable Agreements”
Department of Agriculture: “Community Wood Energy and Wood
Innovation Program”
Department of Agriculture: Forest Service 638 Authority for Tribes
Department of Agriculture: “Great American
Outdoors Act Deferred Maintenance Program”
Department of Agriculture: Infrastructure Investment and Job Act Joint Fire Science
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act Collaborative Forest”
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act Prescribed Fire/Fire”
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act Restoration/”
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act Capital”
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act Firewood Bank”
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act Community Wildfire”
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act Temporary Bridge”
Department of Agriculture: Forest Service Reverse 911 Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: “Community Project
Funds Congressionally”
Department of Agriculture: Wildfire Crisis Strategy Landscapes
Department of Agriculture: “Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act
Financial Assistance to”
Department of Agriculture: “Opal Creek Wilderness Economic Grant
Department of Agriculture: Inflation Reduction Act Urban & Community Forestry Program
Department of Agriculture: “Inflation Reduction Act
Hazardous Fuels Transportation”
Department of Agriculture: Inflation Reduction Act National Forest System
Department of Agriculture: “Community Project Funds
Department of Agriculture: “Inflation Reduction Act
Landscape Scale Restoration”
Department of Agriculture: “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law State, Private & Tribal Agreements”
Department of Agriculture: “Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law – Removal and Production of”
Department of Agriculture: Inflation Reduction Act Forest Legacy Program
Department of Agriculture: Reforestation of Non Federal Mined Land
Department of Agriculture: Bipartisan Infrastructure Act Nursery Vegetation
Department of Agriculture: Forest and Grassland Collaboratives
Department of Agriculture: Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP)
Department of Agriculture: Rural eConnectivity Pilot Program
Department of Agriculture: “Higher Blends
Infrastructure Incentive Program”
Department of Agriculture: Rural Innovation Stronger Economy
Department of Agriculture: “Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE)
Department of Agriculture: New Empowering Rural America (New ERA) Program
Department of Agriculture: “Part 1774 Special
Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities”
Department of Agriculture: “Water and Waste Disposal Systems for
Rural Communities”
Department of Agriculture: “Water and Waste Technical Assistance
and Training Grants”
Department of Agriculture: Solid Waste Management Grants
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants
Department of Agriculture: Community Facilities Loans and Grants
Department of Agriculture: Intermediary Relending Program
Department of Agriculture: Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans
Department of Agriculture: “Water and Waste
Grants and Loans and Loan Guarantees”
Department of Agriculture: Rural Cooperative Development Grants
Department of Agriculture: “Norman E Borlaug International Agricultural
Science and”
Department of Agriculture: Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
Department of Agriculture: Rural Electrification Loans and Loan Guarantees
Department of Agriculture: “Rural
Telecommunications Loans”
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Economic Development Loans
and Grants”
Department of Agriculture: “Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loans
and Grants”
Department of Agriculture: Denali Commission Grants and Loans
Department of Agriculture: Assistance to High Energy Cost Rural Communities
Department of Agriculture: Rural Business Investment Program
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Decentralized Water Systems Grant
Department of Agriculture: Community Connect Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: “Grant Program to
Establish a Fund for Financing Water and”
Department of Agriculture: Biorefinery Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Bioenergy Program for Advanced Biofuels
Department of Agriculture: Rural Energy for America Program
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Microentrepreneur
Assistance Program”
Department of Agriculture: Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grant
Department of Agriculture: Healthy Food Financing Initiative
Department of Agriculture: Delta Health Care Services Grant Program
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Broadband Access Loans and Loan
Department of Agriculture: Rural Development Cooperative Agreement Program
Department of Agriculture: Soil and Water Conservation
Department of Agriculture: Soil Survey
Department of Agriculture: Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention
Department of Agriculture: Plant Materials for Conservation
Department of Agriculture: Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting
Department of Agriculture: Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Department of Agriculture: Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
Department of Agriculture: Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program
Department of Agriculture: Watershed Rehabilitation Program
Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Management Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Grassland Reserve Program
Department of Agriculture: “Healthy Forests Reserve Program
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Department of Agriculture: Conservation Stewardship Program
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Watershed
Protection Program Disaster Relief”
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Floodplain Easements”
Department of Agriculture: Water Bank Program
Department of Agriculture: “Agricultural
Conservation Easement Program”
Department of Agriculture: Regional Conservation Partnership Program
Department of Agriculture: Wetland Mitigation Banking Program
Department of Agriculture: Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program
Department of Agriculture: Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production
Department of Agriculture: “Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Comprehensive Plan”
Department of Agriculture: “Partnerships for Climate Smart
Department of Agriculture: “Conservation Outreach,
Education and Technical Assistance”
Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Statistics Reports
Department of Agriculture: Census of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture: Technical Agricultural Assistance
Department of Agriculture: Scientific Cooperation and Research
Department of Agriculture: Cochran Fellowship Program
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Relief Program
Department of Agriculture: Milk Loss Program
Department of Agriculture: Commodity Container Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: “Increasing Land, Capital, and Market Access Program”
Department of Agriculture: “FSA Conservation
Reserve Program Transition Incentive”
Department of Agriculture: Farm Loan Borrower Relief Program
Department of Agriculture: “Urban Agriculture and Urban County
Committee Outreach,”
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Grain Storage Facility
Assistance Program”
Department of Agriculture: DSA COVID Relief Program
Department of Agriculture: “Emergency Relief
Program Outreach Education and”
Department of Agriculture: Rice Production Program
Department of Agriculture: “Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance
Department of Agriculture: “Farm Labor
Stabilization and Protection Pilot Grant”
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Relief Program 2022
Department of Agriculture: Emergency Livestock Relief Program 2022
Department of Agriculture: Commodity Storage Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: “Testing, Mitigation, and Relief for Agricultural
Contamination by Per”
Department of Agriculture: “Outreach Education
and Technical Assistance for Disaster”
Department of Agriculture: Discrimination Financial Assistance Program
Department of Agriculture: “Rural Development Policy Public Service
and Leadership”
Department of Agriculture: “U S Codex Office Support for International
Department of Commerce: NOAA Mission Related Education Awards
Department of Commerce: Ocean Exploration
Department of Commerce: “Integrated Ocean Observing System
Department of Commerce: Education Quality Award Ambassadorship
Department of Commerce: Broad Agency Announcement
Department of Commerce: “Statistical, Research, and Methodology Assistance”
Department of Commerce: Ocean Acidification Program (OAP)
Department of Commerce: “NOAA Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR) Program”
Department of Commerce: Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
Department of Commerce: “Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)”
Department of Commerce: BUILD TO SCALE
Department of Commerce: “Connecting Minority
Communities Pilot Program”
Department of Commerce: Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
Department of Commerce: Broadband Infrastructure Program
Department of Commerce: “State Digital Equity
Planning and Capacity Grant”
Department of Commerce: “Middle Mile
(Broadband) Grant Program”
Department of Commerce: 2023 MBDA Capital Readiness Program
Department of Commerce: “Broadband Equity,
Access, and Deployment Program”
Department of Commerce: “Digital Equity
Competitive Grant Program”
Department of Commerce: CHIPS Incentives Program
Department of Commerce: “Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund
Grant Program”
Department of Commerce: Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs
Department of Commerce: “Distressed Area
Recompete Pilot Program”
Department of Commerce: “U S and Foreign Commercial Service
Pilot Fellowship”
Department of Commerce: CHIPS Research and Development
Department of Commerce: “National Weather
Service Office of Science and”
Department of Commerce: Market Development Cooperator Program
Department of Commerce: “Investments for Public
Works and Economic Development Facilities”
Department of Commerce: “Economic Development Support for Planning
Department of Commerce: Economic Development Technical Assistance
Department of Commerce: Economic Adjustment Assistance
Department of Commerce: Research and Evaluation Program
Department of Commerce: Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms
Department of Commerce: “Geodetic Surveys and Services (Geodesy and
Applications of the”
Department of Commerce: Cooperative Institute (Inter Agency Funded Activities)
Department of Commerce: Interjurisdictional Fisher es Act of 1986
Department of Commerce: Fishermen’s Contingency Fund
Department of Commerce: “Fishery Products Inspection and
Cert fication”
Department of Commerce: Fisher es Finance Program
Department of Commerce: Sea Grant Support
Department of Commerce: “Coastal Zone
Management Administration Awards”
Department of Commerce: “Coastal Zone Management Estuarine
Research Reserves”
Department of Commerce: “Financial Assistance for National Centers for
Coastal Ocean Science”
Department of Commerce: “Fisher es Development
and Utilization Research and”
Department of Commerce: Marine Sanctuary Program
Department of Commerce: Climate and Atmospheric Research
Department of Commerce: “National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)”
Department of Commerce: Marine Fisheries Initiative
Department of Commerce: Cooperative Fishery Statistics
Department of Commerce: “Southeast Area Monitoring and
Assessment Program”
Department of Commerce: “Columbia River
Fisher es Development Program”
Department of Commerce: Pacific Fisheries Data Program
Department of Commerce: Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Pacific Salmon Treaty Program
Department of Commerce: Marine Mammal Data Program
Department of Commerce: “Environmental Sciences, Applications,
Data, and Education”
Department of Commerce: Regional Fishery Management Councils
Department of Commerce: “Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science,
Department of Commerce: Unallied Industry Projects
Department of Commerce: Unallied Management Projects
Department of Commerce: Cooperative Science and Education Program
Department of Commerce: Chesapeake Bay Studies
Department of Commerce: Weather and Air Quality Research
Department of Commerce: Special Oceanic and Atmospheric Projects
Department of Commerce: Habitat Conservation
Department of Commerce: “Meteorologic and Hydrologic
Department of Commerce: Applied Meteorological Research
Department of Commerce: “Congressionally
Identified Awards and Projects”
Department of Commerce: Unallied Science Program
Department of Commerce: Office for Coastal Management
Department of Commerce: “Atlantic Coastal
Fisher es Cooperative Management Act”
Department of Commerce: Fisher es Disaster Relief
Department of Commerce: “Center for Sponsored
Coastal Ocean Research Coastal”
Department of Commerce: Educational Partnership Program
Department of Commerce: Coral Reef Conservation Program
Department of Commerce: “NOAA Programs for
Disaster Relief Appropriations Act”
Department of Commerce: Special Projects
Department of Commerce: Calibration Program
Department of Commerce: National Standard Reference Data System
Department of Commerce: Standard Reference Materials
Department of Commerce: Weights and Measures Service
Department of Commerce: “Measurement and Engineering Research
and Standards”
Department of Commerce: Standards Information Center
Department of Commerce: Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Department of Commerce: Congressionally Identified Projects
Department of Commerce: “Arrangements for Interdisciplinary
Research Infrastructure”
Department of Commerce: “Science, Technology, Business and/or
Education Outreach”
Department of Commerce: Minority Business Resource Development
Department of Commerce: “MBDA Business Center
American Indian and Alaska Native”
Department of Commerce: MBDA Business Center
Department of Commerce: Marine Debris Program
Department of Defense: “Procurement Technical Assistance For
Business Firms”
Department of Defense: Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Responding to
Department of Defense: “Fort Huachuca Sentinel
Landscapes for Military Training”
Department of Defense: “Conservation and Rehabilitation of Natural
Resources on Military”
Department of Defense: National Defense Education Program
Department of Defense: Military Health Services Research (MHSR)
Department of Defense: Dredged Material Containment Area
Department of Defense: Youth Conservation Services
Department of Defense: “Management of Undersirable Plants on
Federal Lands, 7 U S C”
Department of Defense: OnRampII
Department of Defense: Past Conflict Accounting Vietnam
Department of Defense: “Transportation DASH 102X and WMATA 7M
Department of Defense: “Readiness and Environmental
Protection Integration”
Department of Defense: Pacific Center Disaster (PDC) Program
Department of Defense: STARBASE Program
Department of Defense: “Army National Guard
Army Compatible Use Buffer Program”
Department of Defense: DoD Mentor Protege Program
Department of Defense: “Defense Security Cooperation University
Sponsored Research”
Department of Defense: “Native American Consultation to Identify
Sacred Sites and”
Department of Defense: Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program (CWIFP)
Department of Defense: Defense Community Infrastructure Program
Department of Defense: Community Noise Mitigation Program
Department of Defense: “State Memorandum of Agreement Program for
the Reimbursement of”
Department of Defense: Collaborative Research and Development
Department of Defense: Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 2003
Department of Defense: Ease 3 0
Department of Defense: “Commercial Technologies for
Maintenance Activities”
Department of Defense: Basic and Applied Scientific Research
Department of Defense: “Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)”
Department of Defense: “Advanced
Manufacturing Technology Office of”
Department of Defense: “Navy Command, Control,
Department of Defense: “Naval Medical
Research and Development”
Department of Defense: “Department of Defense
HIV/AIDS Prevention Program”
Department of Defense: “Scientific Research
Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Department of Defense: “Pest Management and Vector Control
Department of Defense: ROTC Language and Culture Training Grants
Department of Defense: Research on Chemical and Biological Defense
Department of Defense: “Marine Corps Systems Command Federal
Assistance Program”
Department of Defense: “Military Construction, National Guard”
Department of Defense: “National Guard Military
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)”
Department of Defense: National Guard ChalleNGe Program
Department of Defense: “Military Medical
Research and Development”
Department of Defense: Basic Scientific Research
Department of Defense: Dissertation Year Fellowship
Department of Defense: Fisher House Foundation
Department of Defense: “Training and Support – Combating
Weapons of Mass”
Department of Defense: “The Language Flagship Grants to Institutions of
Higher Education”
Department of Defense: “National Security Education Program
David L Boren”
Department of Defense: National Security Education Program David L Boren
Department of Defense: “English for Heritage
Language Speakers Grants to U S”
Department of Defense: “Competitive Grants Promoting K 12 Student
Achievement at Military”
Department of Defense: “Department of Defense Impact Aid
(Supplement, CWSD,”
Department of Defense: “DOD, NDEP, DOTC
STEM Education
Department of Defense: Language Training Center
Department of Defense: Congressionally Directed Assistance
Department of Defense: Community Investment
Department of Defense: “Community Economic Adjustment Assistance
for Reductions in”
Department of Defense: “Community Economic
Adjustment Assistance for Realignment or”
Department of Defense: Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Compatible Use and
Department of Defense: “Community Economic Adjustment Assistance
for Reductions in”
Department of Defense: “Community Economic Adjustment Assistance
for Advance Planning”
Department of Defense: Research and Technical Assistance
Department of Defense: “Economic Adjustment
Assistance for State Governments”
Department of Defense: “Community Economic Adjustment Assistance
for Establishment or”
Department of Defense: Troops to Teachers Grant Program
Department of Defense: “Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in
Science and”
Department of Defense: “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)”
Department of Defense: Legacy Resource Management Program
Department of Defense: Past Conflict Accounting
Department of Defense: “Uniformed Services University Medical
Research Projects”
Department of Defense: Defense Production Act Title III (DPA Title III)
Department of Defense: Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program
Department of Defense: Air Force Academy Athletic Programs
Department of Defense: “Air Force Medical Research and
Department of Defense: Civil Air Patrol Program
Department of Defense: Language Grant Program
Department of Defense: Mathematical Sciences Grants
Department of Defense: Information Security Grants
Department of Defense: GenCyber Grants Program
Department of Defense: CyberSecurity Core Curriculum
Department of Defense: “Research and
Technology Development”
Department of Defense: Upper San Pedro Partnership Support
Department of Education: Adult Education Basic Grants to States
Department of Education: “Civil Rights Training
and Advisory Services (also known as Equity”
Department of Education: “Federal Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants”
Department of Education: Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies
Department of Education: Migrant Education State Grant Program
Department of Education: Title I State Agency Program for Neglected and Delinquent Children
Department of Education: “National Resource
Centers Program for Foreign Language and”
Department of Education: “Undergraduate International Studies
and Foreign Language”
Department of Education: International Research and Studies
Department of Education: “Overseas Programs
Special Bilateral Projects”
Department of Education: Overseas Programs Faculty Research Abroad
Department of Education: Overseas Programs Group Projects Abroad
Department of Education: “Overseas Programs Doctoral Dissertation
Research Abroad”
Department of Education: Special Education Grants to States
Department of Education: Higher Education Institutional Aid
Department of Education: Federal Work Study Program
Department of Education: Impact Aid Facilities Maintenance
Department of Education: Impact Aid
Department of Education: TRIO Student Support Services
Department of Education: TRIO Talent Search
Department of Education: TRIO Upward Bound
Department of Education: “Career and Technical Education Basic
Grants to States”
Department of Education: “Career and Technical Education National
Department of Education: Indian Education Grants to Local Educational Agencies
Department of Education: Federal Pell Grant Program
Department of Education: TRIO Educational Opportunity Centers
Department of Education: “Career and Technical Education Grants to
Native Americans and”
Department of Education: TRIO Staff Training Program
Department of Education: Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary
Department of Education: “Minority Science and Engineering
Department of Education: “Rehabilitation Services Vocational
Rehabilitation Grants to”
Department of Education: Rehabilitation Long Term Training
Department of Education: “Migrant Education High
School Equivalency Program”
Department of Education: Migrant Education Coordination Program
Department of Education: Federal Real Property Assistance Program
Department of Education: “Migrant Education College Assistance
Migrant Program”
Department of Education: Business and International Education Projects
Department of Education: “Training Interpreters for
Individuals who are Deaf and Individuals”
Department of Education: “Rehabilitation Services Client Assistance
Department of Education: Magnet Schools Assistance
Department of Education: Special Education Preschool Grants
Department of Education: Rehabilitation Services Independent Living Services for Older
Department of Education: “Special Education
Grants for Infants and Families”
Department of Education: School Safely National Activities
Department of Education: “Supported Employment Services for Individuals
with the Most”
Department of Education: “Adult Education
National Leadership Activities”
Department of Education: Education for Homeless Children and Youth
Department of Education: Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
Department of Education: “Javits Gifted and Talented Students
Department of Education: Innovative Approaches to Literacy; Promise Neighborhoods; Full
Department of Education: “TRIO McNair Post
Baccalaureate Achievement”
Department of Education: Centers for International Business Education
Department of Education: Language Resource Centers
Department of Education: “Rehabilitation Services
Demonstration and Training Programs”
Department of Education: “Program of Protection
and Advocacy of Individual Rights”
Department of Education: “Tribally Controlled
Postsecondary Career and Technical”
Department of Education: Rehabilitation Short Term Training
Department of Education: American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Department of Education: “Native Hawaiian Career
and Technical Education”
Department of Education: Innovative Rehabilitation Training
Department of Education: “Rehabilitation Training Technical Assistance
Department of Education: Federal Direct Student Loans
Department of Education: American Overseas Research Centers
Department of Education: Charter Schools
Department of Education: Comprehensive Centers
Department of Education: “Twenty First Century Community Learning
Department of Education: Ready To Learn Television
Department of Education: “Indian Education Special Programs for
Indian Children”
Department of Education: “Education Research, Development and
Department of Education: Statewide Family Engagement Centers
Department of Education: Traditionally Underserved Populations
Department of Education: “Special Education
State Personnel Development”
Department of Education: Research in Special Education
Department of Education: “Special Education Personnel Development
to Improve Services”
Department of Education: “Special Education Technical Assistance
and Dissemination to”
Department of Education: “Special Education Educational Technology Media, and Materials for”
Department of Education: “Special Education
Parent Information Centers”
Department of Education: Special Education Studies and Evaluations
Department of Education: “Gaining Early Awareness and
Readiness for”
Department of Education: “Child Care Access
Means Parents in School”
Department of Education: Teacher Quality Partnership Grants
Department of Education: Arts in Education
Department of Education: “Credit Enhancement for Charter School
Department of Education: Alaska Native Educational Programs
Department of Education: Rural Education
Department of Education: Native Hawaiian Education
Department of Education: English Language Acquisition State Grants
Department of Education: “Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants
(formerly Improving”
Department of Education: Competitive Grants for State Assessments
Department of Education: “Grants for State
Assessments and Related Activities”
Department of Education: DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
Department of Education: Comprehensive Literacy Development
Department of Education: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
Department of Education: Special Education Technical Assistance on State Data Collection
Department of Education: “Teacher and School
Leader Incentive Grants (formerly the Teacher”
Department of Education: “Teacher Education Assistance for College
and Higher Education”
Department of Education: “Special Education Special Olympics
Education Programs”
Department of Education: Strengthening Minority Serving Institutions
Department of Education: Consolidated Grant to the Outlying Areas
Department of Education: “Transition Programs for
Students with Intellectual Disabilities”
Department of Education: “Postsecondary Education Scholarships
for Veteran’s”
Department of Education: Education Innovation and Research (formerly Investing in Innovation
Department of Education: “Indian Education
National Activities (State Tribal Education”
Department of Education: Directed Grants and Awards
Department of Education: Disabil ty Innovation Fund (DIF)
Department of Education: American History and Civics Education
Department of Education: “Supporting Effective
Educator Development Program”
Department of Education: “Student Support and
Academic Enrichment Program”
Department of Education: Education Stabilization Fund
Department of Education: Randolph Sheppard †“ Financial Relief and Restoration Payments
Department of Education: “Augustus F Hawkins
Centers of Excellence—Teacher”
Department of Education: “Education Evaluation and Technical
Assistance Grants”
Department of Energy: “Environmental Monitoring,
Independent Research,”
Department of Energy: “Cybersecurity, Energy
Security & Emergency Response (CESER)”
Department of Energy: Molybdenum 99 Program
Department of Energy: “Office of Technology
Transitions (OTT) Technology”
Department of Energy: “Artificial Intelligence and Technology Office
Financial Assistance”
Department of Energy: State Energy Program
Department of Energy: “Weatherization
Assistance for Low Income Persons”
Department of Energy: “Office of Science Financial Assistance
Department of Energy: University Coal Research
Department of Energy: Nuclear Legacy Cleanup Program
Department of Energy: Conservation Research and Development
Department of Energy: “Renewable Energy
Research and Development”
Department of Energy: Fossil Energy Research and Development
Department of Energy: Remedial Action and Waste Management
Department of Energy: “Student Driven Research and Long
Term Monitoring of”
Department of Energy: Environmental Remediation and Waste Processing and
Department of Energy: “Transport of
Transuranic Wastes to the Waste Isolation Pilot”
Department of Energy: “Epidemiology and Other Health Studies
Financial Assistance”
Department of Energy: Stewardship Science Grant Program
Department of Energy: “Defense Nuclear
Nonproliferation Research”
Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Information
Department of Energy: State Energy Program Special Projects
Department of Energy: “Nuclear Energy Research, Development
and Demonstration”
Department of Energy: “Electricity Research, Development and
Department of Energy: “National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA) Minority”
Department of Energy: “Predictive Science Academic Alliance
Department of Energy: “Federal Loan Guarantees for
Innovative Energy”
Department of Energy: “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block
Grant Program”
Department of Energy: Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy
Department of Energy: Long Term Surveillance and Maintenance
Department of Energy: Minority Economic Impact
Department of Energy: State Heating Oil and Propane Program
Department of Energy: “Los Alamos National Laboratory Fire
Department of Energy: Global Material Security
Department of Energy: “Environmental
Monitoring/Cleanup, Cultural and Resource”
Department of Energy: Energy Policy and Systems Analysis
Department of Energy: “National Laboratory Jobs Apprenticeship for
Complete and”
Department of Energy: “Legally directed
Academic Programs, Workforce Development”
Department of Energy: Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chain Demonstrations and
Department of Energy: “Grid Infrastructure
Deployment and Resilience”
Department of Energy: Clean Energy Demonstrations
Department of Energy: “Environmental Monitoring/Cleanup, Cultural and Resource”
Department of Energy: “Glovebox
Manufacturing Expansion Initiative”
Department of Energy: “County of Nye, Nye
County Sheriff†s Office Law Enforcement”
Department of Energy: Law Enforcement Support of Pantex Plant
Department of Energy: “Grid Deployment Office
Other Direct Funding Mechanisms/Identified”
Department of Energy: “Inertial Confinement
Fusion Program University Assistance”
Department of Energy: Nonproliferation and Arms Control
Department of Energy: “Nuclear Counterterrorism and
Incident Response”
Department of Health and Human Services: Public Awareness Campaigns on Embryo Adoption
Department of Health and Human Services: Medical Reserve Corps Small Grant Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Organizations for State and Local
Department of Health and Human Services: “Technical Assistance and Provision for
Foreign Hospitals and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for
the Aging, Title VII, Chapter 3, Programs for”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for the Aging, Title VII, Chapter 2, Long Term”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for
the Aging, Title III, Part D, Disease Prevention”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for the Aging, Title III, Part
B, Grants for Supportive”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for the Aging, Title III, Part
C, Nutrition Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for
the Aging, Title VI, Part A, Grants to Indian”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Programs for the Aging, Title IV, and
Title II, Discretionary”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration Grants
to States”
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Family Caregiver Support, Title
III, Part E”
Department of Health and Human Services: Nutr tion Services Incentive Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Family
Caregiver Support, Title VI, Part C, Grants To”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Training in General, Pediatric, and Public
Health Dentistry”
Department of Health and Human Services: Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
Department of Health and Human Services: Innovations in Applied Public Health Research
Department of Health and Human Services: “Laboratory Leadership, Workforce Training and Management”
Department of Health and Human Services: State Vital Statistics Improvement Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Global AIDS
Department of Health and Human Services: “Chronic Diseases Research, Control, and
Department of Health and Human Services: “Public Health
Emergency Preparedness”
Department of Health and Human Services: Environmental Public Health and Emergency Response
Department of Health and Human Services: Medicare Enrollment Assistance Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Lifespan Respite Care Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Birth Defects and Developmental
Disabil ties Prevention”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Smoking
Prevention and Tobacco Control Act Regulatory”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Strengthening Emergency Care
Delivery n the United”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Cooperative Agreements to Promote
Adolescent Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Blood Disorder Program Prevention,
Surveillance, and”
Department of Health and Human Services: ASPR Science Preparedness and Response Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: “Prevention of Disease,
Disabil ty, and Death through Immunization”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Prevention of Disease, Disabil ty, and Death by
Infectious Diseases”
Department of Health and Human Services: Research on Research Integrity
Department of Health and Human Services: “Healthy Marriage Promotion and
Department of Health and Human Services: Enhance Safety of Children Affected by Substance Abuse
Department of Health and Human Services: “Advancing System
Improvements for Key Issues in Women’s”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Emergency System for Advance Registration of
Volunteer Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: Guardianship Assistance
Department of Health and Human Services: “Affordable Care Act
(ACA) Personal Responsibility”
Department of Health and Human Services: Strengthening the Nation’s Public Health System through a
Department of Health and Human Services: “Collaboration With the
World Health Organization and its”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services: Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for
Department of Health and Human Services: Area Health Education Centers
Department of Health and Human Services: “Maternal and Child
Health Federal Consolidated Programs”
Department of Health and Human Services: Environmental Health
Department of Health and Human Services: “Project Grants and
Cooperative Agreements for”
Department of Health and Human Services: Preventive Medicine Residency
Department of Health and Human Services: “Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)”
Department of Health and Human Services: Oral Diseases and Disorders Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Health Professions Pre graduate Scholarship Program for Indians
Department of Health and Human Services: Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship
Department of Health and Human Services: Emergency Medical Services for Children
Department of Health and Human Services: “Technical and Non Financial Assistance to
Health Centers”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Cooperative
Agreements to States/ Territories for the”
Department of Health and Human Services: Grants to Increase Organ Donation
Department of Health and Human Services: “Centers for Research
and Demonstration for Health Promotion and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Injury Prevention and Control Research and
State and Community”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Community Programs to Improve Minority
Department of Health and Human Services: “Protection and
Advocacy for Individuals with Mental”
Department of Health and Human Services: Intramural Research Training Award
Department of Health and Human Services: “NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health
and Safety Training”
Department of Health and Human Services: “NIEHS Superfund Hazardous
Department of Health and Human Services: HIV Related Training and Technical Assistance
Department of Health and Human Services: “Projects for Assistance
in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Coordinated Services and Access to
Research for Women,”
Department of Health and Human Services: Rural Health Research Centers
Department of Health and Human Services: Centers of Excellence
Department of Health and Human Services: Health Program for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Department of Health and Human Services: National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment
Department of Health and Human Services: “Indian Health Service Educational Loan
Department of Health and Human Services: Grants to States for Loan Repayment
Department of Health and Human Services: Human Genome Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Research Related to Deafness and Communication
Department of Health and Human Services: Nursing Workforce Diversity
Department of Health and Human Services: Disabil ties Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services: “Immunization Research,
Demonstration, Public”
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Research Service Award in
Pr mary Care Medicine”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Undergraduate Scholarship Program
for Individuals from”
Department of Health and Human Services: Graduate Psychology Education
Department of Health and Human Services: Urban Indian Health Services
Department of Health and Human Services: “Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Projects, State and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Tribal Self Governance
Program IHS Compacts/Funding”
Department of Health and Human Services: Telehealth Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: “Research and Training in Complementary and
Integrative Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: Family Planning Services
Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health Intramural Loan Repayment Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Development and
Coordination of Rural Health Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Health Center Program (Community Health
Centers, Migrant Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Research Service Awards Health
Services Research”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Research on
Healthcare Costs, Quality and Outcomes”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Indian Health Service, Health Management Development Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: Epidemiology Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Loan Repayment Program for General
Department of Health and Human Services: National Center on Sleep Disorders Research
Department of Health and Human Services: “Traumatic Brain Injury
State Demonstration Grant Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Title V State Sexual
Risk Avoidance Education (Title V State”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Grants to States to Support Oral Health
Workforce Activities”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Special Diabetes
Program for Indians Diabetes Prevention”
Department of Health and Human Services: Policy Research and Evaluation Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: State Capacity Building
Department of Health and Human Services: State Rural Hospital Flex bility Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Mental Health Research Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: “Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Projects of Regional”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Advanced Nursing Education Workforce
Grant Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Geriatric Academic Career Awards
Department of Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Department of Health and Human Services: Poison Center Support and Enhancement Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: “Children’s Hospitals
Graduate Medical Education Payment”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Grants for Education, Prevention, and Early
Detection of Radiogenic”
Department of Health and Human Services: Family Planning Personnel Training
Department of Health and Human Services: Occupational Safety and Health Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)
Department of Health and Human Services: “Health Systems Strengthening and HIV/
AIDS Prevention, Care”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Immunization Cooperative
Department of Health and Human Services: Complex Humanitarian Emergency and War Related Injury Public
Department of Health and Human Services: Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Control
Department of Health and Human Services: Alcohol Research Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: “Drug Free Communities Support Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Drug Use and Addiction Research Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health Extramural Loan Repayment Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention Investigations and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Injury Prevention Program for American
Indians and Alaskan”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Discovery and Applied Research for
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Health Service
Corps Scholarship Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: Surplus Property Ut lizat on
Department of Health and Human Services: Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Health Center for Health Workforce
Department of Health and Human Services: “Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: Nurse Corps Scholarship
Department of Health and Human Services: “Racial and Ethnic Approaches to
Community Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Minority Health and Health Disparities
Department of Health and Human Services: Trans NIH Research Support
Department of Health and Human Services: NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health
Department of Health and Human Services: “Early Hearing Detection
and Intervention Information System”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Rare Disorders Research, Surveillance,
Health Promotion, and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Public Health Preparedness and
Response Science,”
Department of Health and Human Services: Emerging Infections Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: Protecting and Improving Health Globally Building and
Department of Health and Human Services: “Outreach Programs to
Reduce the Prevalence of Obesity in High Risk”
Department of Health and Human Services: Dietary Supplement Research Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “CDC Partnership Strengthening Public
Health Laboratories”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Epidemiology and
Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases”
Department of Health and Human Services: State Health Insurance Assistance Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Paralysis Resource Center
Department of Health and Human Services: “Strengthening Public Health through
Department of Health and Human Services: Demonstration Grants for Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking
Department of Health and Human Services: “Cooperative Agreement
to Support Navigators in Federally facilitated”
Department of Health and Human Services: “The Healthy Brain
Initiative Technical Assistance to”
Department of Health and Human Services: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Department of Health and Human Services: “Analyses, Research
and Studies to Address the Impact of CMS—
Department of Health and Human Services: “Health Professions
Student Loans, Including Primary Care”
Department of Health and Human Services: Public Health Service Evaluation Funds
Department of Health and Human Services: “Research, Monitoring and Outcomes
Definitions for Vaccine”
Department of Health and Human Services: Leading Edge Acceleration Projects (LEAP) in Health
Department of Health and Human Services: “Enhancing the Logical
Observation Identifiers Names and Codes”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Trusted Exchange Framework and
Common Agreement”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Technical Assistance to Increase Tobacco
Department of Health and Human Services: “Packaging and
Spreading Proven Pediatric Weight”
Department of Health and Human Services: National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
Department of Health and Human Services: Research Infrastructure Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: Construction Support
Department of Health and Human Services: “21st Century Cures Act Beau Biden Cancer
Department of Health and Human Services: “Public Health
Emergency Response Cooperative Agreement”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Public Health Informatics &
Technology Workforce”
Department of Health and Human Services: Head Start Disaster Recovery
Department of Health and Human Services: “Nurse Education, Practice Quality and
Retention Grants”
Department of Health and Human Services: Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
Department of Health and Human Services: Nursing Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Nursing Student Loans
Department of Health and Human Services: Sickle Cell Treatment Demonstration Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “State Actions to Improve Oral Health
Outcomes and Partner”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Flex ble Funding Model Infrastructure
Development and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “21st Century Cures Act
Precision Medicine Initiative”
Department of Health and Human Services: ACL Independent Living State Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: “21st Century Cures Act Regenerative Medicine
Department of Health and Human Services: “21st Century Cures Act Brain
Research through”
Department of Health and Human Services: Title Multiple Approaches to Support Young Breast Cancer
Department of Health and Human Services: “Prevention and Control of Chronic Disease and
Associated Risk Factors”
Department of Health and Human Services: Integrated Care for Kids Model
Department of Health and Human Services: “Indian Health Service Community Health Aide
Department of Health and Human Services: Public Health Nursing
Department of Health and Human Services: “ADVANCED RESEARCH
Department of Health and Human Services: Medical Reserve Corps Small Grant Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “National and State Tobacco Control
Department of Health and Human Services: Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
Department of Health and Human Services: “Activities to Support
State, Tribal, Local and Territorial (STLT) Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Cause and Prevention Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Treatment Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Biology Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Centers Support Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Research Manpower
Department of Health and Human Services: Cancer Control
Department of Health and Human Services: “The State Flexibility to
Stabilize the Market Grant Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Partnerships to
promote cancer surveillance standards”
Department of Health and Human Services: 1332 State Innovation Waivers
Department of Health and Human Services: The National Cardiovascular Health Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Provision of Technical
Assistance and Training Activities to Assure”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Strengthening
Emergency Care Delivery n the United”
Department of Health and Human Services: “ASPR Science Preparedness and
Response Grants”
Department of Health and Human Services: Networking2Saveâ€
Department of Health and Human Services: ACL Centers for Independent Living
Department of Health and Human Services: “ACL National Institute
on Disability, Independent Living, and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Every Student Succeeds Act/
Preschool Development”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Emergency System for
Advance Registration of Volunteer Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN
Department of Health and Human Services: Indian Self Determination
Department of Health and Human Services: “Tribal Self Governance
Program Planning and Negotiation Cooperative”
Department of Health and Human Services: Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Partner Actions to
Improve Oral Health Outcomes”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Ebola Healthcare Preparedness and
Response for Select”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Ebola
Preparedness and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Ebola Training
and Education Center (NETEC)”
Department of Health and Human Services: “CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholars
Program (CUPS) A”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Planning Grant for Healthcare and Public
Health Sector”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Enhance the Ability of Emergency Medical
Services (EMS) to”
Department of Health and Human Services: National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “HRSA COVID 19
Claims Reimbursement for the Uninsured”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Strengthening the Technical Advancement
& Readiness of Public”
Department of Health and Human Services: ACL Assistive Technology
Department of Health and Human Services: “Tobacco Prevention and Control Legal Technical
Department of Health and Human Services: Assistive Technology Alternative Financing Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Alzheimer†s
Disease Program Initiative (ADPI)”
Department of Health and Human Services: Title IV E Kinship Navigator Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Title IV E Prevention Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Preventing Maternal
Deaths Supporting Maternal Mortality”
Department of Health and Human Services: Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Harm Reduction Technical
Assistance and Syringe”
Department of Health and Human Services: Child Care Disaster Relief
Department of Health and Human Services: Congressional Directives
Department of Health and Human Services: “Global
Tuberculosis Developin g,Evaluating,Implementi”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Community Health Workers for Public
Health Response and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Violence Prevention and
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Violence Prevention and
Services/ Sexual”
Department of Health and Human Services: Provider Relief Fund and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Rural
Department of Health and Human Services: “Low Income Household
Water Assistance Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: Family to Family Health Information Centers
Department of Health and Human Services: Public Health Training Centers Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Grants for Capital Development in Health
Department of Health and Human Services: Grants for New and Expanded Services under the Health Center
Department of Health and Human Services: “Teaching Health Center
Graduate Medical Education Payment”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Affordable Care Act Program for Early
Detection of Certain”
Department of Health and Human Services: Transitional Living for Homeless Youth
Department of Health and Human Services: “MaryLee Allen
Promoting Safe and Stable Families”
Department of Health and Human Services: Education and Prevention Grants to Reduce Sexual Abuse
Department of Health and Human Services: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Department of Health and Human Services: Payments to Territories – Adults
Department of Health and Human Services: Child Support Services
Department of Health and Human Services: Child Support Services Research
Department of Health and Human Services: “Refugee and Entrant
Assistance State/ Replacement Designee”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Refugee and Entrant Assistance Voluntary
Agency Programs”
Department of Health and Human Services: Low Income Home Energy Assistance
Department of Health and Human Services: Community Services Block Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: “Community Services
Block Grant Discretionary Awards”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Child Care and Development Block
Department of Health and Human Services: Refugee and Entrant Assistance Discretionary Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: U S Repatriation
Department of Health and Human Services: “Improving the Capability of Indian Tribal
Governments to”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Refugee and Entrant Assistance Wilson/Fish
Department of Health and Human Services: State Court Improvement Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Promote the Survival and Continuing Vitality of Native American
Department of Health and Human Services: “Community Based
Child Abuse Prevention Grants”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Violence Prevention and
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Violence Prevention and
Department of Health and Human Services: Tribal Work Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: “Welfare Reform Research, Evaluations
and National Studies”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of
the Child Care and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Grants to States for Access and Visitation
Department of Health and Human Services: Services to Victims of a Severe Form of Trafficking
Department of Health and Human Services: “Chafee Education and
Training Vouchers Program (ETV)”
Department of Health and Human Services: Head Start
Department of Health and Human Services: “Adoption and Legal Guardianship Incentive
Payments Program”
Department of Health and Human Services: Assistance for Torture Victims
Department of Health and Human Services: Family Connection Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: Innovation In Behavioral Health
Department of Health and Human Services: Native American Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: “Voting Access for Individuals with
Disabil ties Grants for”
Department of Health and Human Services: Basic Center Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: “Developmental Disabil ties Basic
Support and Advocacy”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Developmental Disabil ties Projects of
National Significance”
Department of Health and Human Services: “University Centers for Excellence in
Department of Health and Human Services: “Support for Ombudsman and
Beneficiary Counseling”
Department of Health and Human Services: Basic Health Program (Affordable Care Act)
Department of Health and Human Services: Children’s Justice Grants to States
Department of Health and Human Services: “Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Services
Department of Health and Human Services: “Social Services Research and
Department of Health and Human Services: Child Welfare Research Training or Demonstration
Department of Health and Human Services: Nutr tion and Physical Activity Programs
Department of Health and Human Services: Adoption Opportunities
Department of Health and Human Services: “Indian Health Service Domestic Violence
Prevention Programs”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Indian Health Service Behavioral Health
Department of Health and Human Services: Foster Care Title IV E
Department of Health and Human Services: Adoption Assistance
Department of Health and Human Services: “Extramural Research Restoration Program
Hurricanes Fiona and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Emergency Grants to Address Mental and
Substance Use”
Department of Health and Human Services: Social Services Block Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: Child Abuse and Neglect State Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: “Child Abuse and
Neglect Discretionary Activities”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Violence Prevention and
Department of Health and Human Services: John H Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to
Department of Health and Human Services: Unaccompanied Children Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “EHB Benchmark Plan
Modernization Grant for States with a Federally”
Department of Health and Human Services: Medical Student Education
Department of Health and Human Services: “Engaging State and
Local Emergency Management Agencies”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Ending the HIV
Epidemic A Plan for America — Ryan”
Department of Health and Human Services: Maternal Opioid Misuse Model
Department of Health and Human Services: “Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
FHIR Cooperative”
Department of Health and Human Services: Nursing Home Staffing Campaign
Department of Health and Human Services: “Section 206
Consolidated Appropriations Act,”
Department of Health and Human Services: Health Equity Data Access Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Cert fied Community Behavioral Health Clinic
Expansion Grants”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Elder Justice Act â€
“ Adult Protective Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: ARRA – Emergency Contingency Fund for Temporary Assistance
Department of Health and Human Services: “Mental and Behavioral
Health Education and Training Grants”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Empowering Older Adults and Adults with
Disabil ties through”
Department of Health and Human Services: Elder Abuse Prevention Interventions Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Evidence Based Falls
Prevention Programs Financed Solely by”
Department of Health and Human Services: “A Comprehensive Approach to Good
Health and Wellness in”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Alzheimer†s Disease Initiative
Specialized Supportive”
Department of Health and Human Services: Children’s Health Insurance Program
Department of Health and Human Services: Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
Department of Health and Human Services: “State Grants for the
Implementation, Enhancement, and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Tribal Public Health Capacity Building and
Quality Improvement”
Department of Health and Human Services: Medicare Hospital Insurance
Department of Health and Human Services: “Medicare Supplementary Medical
Department of Health and Human Services: State Medicaid Fraud Control Units
Department of Health and Human Services: “State Survey and
Cert fication of Health Care Providers and”
Department of Health and Human Services: Medical Assistance Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) Research,”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Title V Sexual Risk
Avoidance Education Program (Discretionary”
Department of Health and Human Services: Opioid STR
Department of Health and Human Services: “Money Follows the Person Rebalancing
Department of Health and Human Services: “State Survey
Cert fication of Health
Care Providers and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Expanding Access to Women†s Health
Department of Health and Human Services: “CARA Act â€
“ Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Organized Approaches to Increase Colorectal
Cancer Screening”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Ebola Healthcare Preparedness and
Response for Select”
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Organizations for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program National Center for
Department of Health and Human Services: “Preventing Heart
Attacks and Strokes in High Need Areas”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Ebola
Preparedness and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Health Careers Opportunity Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Public Health Response, Forecasting,
and Analytic Capacities”
Department of Health and Human Services: National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC)
Department of Health and Human Services: “Closing the Gap
Between Standards Development and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Section 223 Demonstration
Programs to Improve”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Promoting the Cancer Surveillance Workforce,
Education and Data”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Supporting and
Maintaining a Surveillance System for”
Department of Health and Human Services: Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) for High Impact HIV
Department of Health and Human Services: “Planning Grant for
Healthcare and Public Health Sector”
Department of Health and Human Services: Cardiovascular Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Lung Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Blood Diseases and Resources Research
Department of Health and Human Services: “Translation and
Implementation Science Research for Heart,”
Department of Health and Human Services: “ACL Assistive Technology State
Grants for Protection”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Promoting Population
Health through Increased Capacity in”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Arthritis,
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Diabetes, Digestive,
and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Improving Epilepsy Programs, Services,
and Outcomes through”
Department of Health and Human Services: Tracking Electronic Health Record Adoption and Capturing Related
Department of Health and Human Services: “Extramural Research
Programs in the Neurosciences and”
Department of Health and Human Services: Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Collaboration to Support Health,
Wellness and Academic”
Department of Health and Human Services: Biomedical Research and Research Training
Department of Health and Human Services: Emerging Infections Sentinel Networks
Department of Health and Human Services: “Child Health and
Human Development Extramural Research”
Department of Health and Human Services: Aging Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Vision Research
Department of Health and Human Services: Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model
Department of Health and Human Services: “Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home
Visiting Grant”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood
Home Visiting”
Department of Health and Human Services: “State Grants for Protection and
Advocacy Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: Strengthening the Public Health System in US affiliated Pacific
Department of Health and Human Services: “Antimicrobial
Resistance Surveillance in Retail Food”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Autism Collaboration, Accountability,
Research, Education,”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Enhance the Ability of Emergency Medical
Services (EMS) to”
Department of Health and Human Services: Medical Library Assistance
Department of Health and Human Services: The Reduction of Issuer Burden Through Technology Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: Pr mary Care Training and Enhancement
Department of Health and Human Services: Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Access Model
Department of Health and Human Services: “National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness
Department of Health and Human Services: “Health Care and Public
Health (HPH) Sector Information Sharing and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Cancer Prevention and Control Programs for State, Territorial and”
Department of Health and Human Services: Minority HIV/AIDS Fund (MHAF)
Department of Health and Human Services: Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Rural Health Care Services Outreach,
Rural Health Network”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Grants to States for
Operation of State Offices of Rural Health”
Department of Health and Human Services: HIV Emergency Relief Project Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: HIV Care Formula Grants
Department of Health and Human Services: “Grants to Provide Outpatient Early
Intervention Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: Disadvantaged Health Professions Faculty Loan Repayment
Department of Health and Human Services: “Ryan White HIV/AIDS
Dental Reimbursement and Community Based”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Scholarships for Health Professions Students
from Disadvantaged”
Department of Health and Human Services: Healthy Start Initiative
Department of Health and Human Services: Special Projects of National Significance
Department of Health and Human Services: Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems
Department of Health and Human Services: Demonstration Projects for Indian Health
Department of Health and Human Services: “HIV Prevention Activities Non
Department of Health and Human Services: “HIV Prevention Activities Health
Department Based”
Department of Health and Human Services: “HIV Demonstration,
Research, Public and Professional Education”
Department of Health and Human Services: Epidemiologic Research Studies of Acquired
Department of Health and Human Services: “Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Assistance Programs for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Control”
Department of Health and Human Services: Cooperative Agreements to Support State Based Safe
Department of Health and Human Services: “Tuberculosis
Demonstration, Research, Public and”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Block Grants for
Community Mental Health Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Block Grants for Prevention and
Treatment of Substance”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Coal Miners Respiratory
Impairment Treatment Clinics and Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention Collaboration with”
Department of Health and Human Services: “States Advancing All
Payer Health Equity Approaches and”
Department of Health and Human Services: PPHF Geriatric Education Centers
Department of Health and Human Services: Health Professions Recruitment Program for Indians
Department of Health and Human Services: “Health Professions
Preparatory Scholarship Program for Indians”
Department of Health and Human Services: Health Professions Scholarship Program
Department of Health and Human Services: “Family Planning Service Delivery Improvement
Department of Health and Human Services: “Pr mary Care Medicine
and Dentistry Clinician Educator Career”
Department of Health and Human Services: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Prevention and Control
Department of Health and Human Services: “Sexually Transmitted
Diseases (STD) Provider Education”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Improving Student Health and Academic
Achievement through”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Mental Health Disaster Assistance and
Emergency Mental”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Market Transparency
Project for Health IT Interoperability Services”
Department of Health and Human Services: “Cooperative Agreements for
Diabetes Control”
Department of Health and Human Services: International Research and Research Training
Department of Health and Human Services: National Health Promotion
Department of Health and Human Services: Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
Department of Health and Human Services: “Maternal and Child
Health Services Block Grant to the States”
Department of Health and Human Services: Assisted Outpatient Treatment
Department of Health and Human Services: “Autism and Other Developmental
Disabil ties,”
Department of Homeland Security: “State and Local Homeland Security
National Training”
Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program
Department of Homeland Security: Non Profit Security Program
Department of Homeland Security: “FY 2022 Operation Allies Welcome Airport
Assistance Grant”
Department of Homeland Security: Citizenship Education and Training
Department of Homeland Security: Boating Safety Financial Assistance
Department of Homeland Security: National Fire Academy Training Assistance
Department of Homeland Security: Flood Insurance
Department of Homeland Security: “Community Assistance Program State Support
Services Element”
Department of Homeland Security: “Emergency Food and Shelter National Board
Department of Homeland Security: “National Urban Search
and Rescue (US&R) Response System”
Department of Homeland Security: Flood Mitigation Assistance
Department of Homeland Security: Community Disaster Loans
Department of Homeland Security: Crisis Counseling
Department of Homeland Security: Disaster Legal Services
Department of Homeland Security: Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Department of Homeland Security: “Disaster Grants Public Assistance
(Presidentially Declared”
Department of Homeland Security: Hazard Mitigation Grant
Department of Homeland Security: “Chemical Stockpile Emergency
Preparedness Program”
Department of Homeland Security: National Dam Safety Program
Department of Homeland Security: “Emergency
Management Performance Grants”
Department of Homeland Security: State Fire Training Systems Grants
Department of Homeland Security: Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Department of Homeland Security: Cooperating Technical Partners
Department of Homeland Security: Fire Management Assistance Grant
Department of Homeland Security: “BRIC Building Resilient
Infrastructure and Communities”
Department of Homeland Security: “Federal Disaster Assistance to
Individuals and”
Department of Homeland Security: Presidential Declared Disaster Assistance to Individuals and
Department of Homeland Security: Emergency Operations Center
Department of Homeland Security: Port Security Grant Program
Department of Homeland Security: Intercity Bus Security Grants
Department of Homeland Security: Centers for Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security: Scientific Leadership Awards
Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Security Grant Program
Department of Homeland Security: Rail and Transit Security Grant Program
Department of Homeland Security: CyberTipline
Department of Homeland Security: “Homeland Security
Research, Development, Testing,”
Department of Homeland Security: Earthquake State Assistance
Department of Homeland Security: “Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency
Response (SAFER)”
Department of Homeland Security: Disaster Assistance Projects
Department of Homeland Security: Driver’s License Security Grant Program
Department of Homeland Security: Homeland Security Biowatch Program
Department of Homeland Security: Case Management Pilot Program
Department of Homeland Security: Securing the Cities Program
Department of Homeland Security: “National Incident
Management System (NIMS)”
Department of Homeland Security: “Public Safety and Violence Prevention
Research, Evaluation,”
Department of Homeland Security: “Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant
Program (RCPGP)”
Department of Homeland Security: “Rural Emergency Medical
Department of Homeland Security: “State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Security Operations Center/”
Department of Homeland Security: Cybersecurity Education and Training
Department of Homeland Security: CISA Cyber Security Awareness Campaign
Department of Homeland Security: “National Nuclear Forensics Expertise
Development Program”
Department of Homeland Security: “Emergency Management Baseline
Assessments Grant”
Department of Homeland Security: Financial Assistance for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention
Department of Homeland Security: Preparing for Emerging Threats and Hazards
Department of Homeland Security: “Presidential Residence Protection Security
Department of Homeland Security: “National Nonprofit Organization
Recreational Boating”
Department of Homeland Security: “Boating Safety Data
Collection and Analysis Grant Program”
Department of Homeland Security: State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Tribal
Department of Homeland Security: “Next Generation Warning System Grant
Department of Homeland Security: “Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund
Department of Homeland Security: National Coast Guard Museum Construction
Department of Homeland Security: Shelter and Services Program
Department of Homeland Security: “National Computer Forensics Institute
Facility Expansion”
Department of Homeland Security: “Pre Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Congressionally
Directed Spending”
Department of Homeland Security: “Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Swift
Department of Homeland Security: National Domestic Preparedness Consortium
Department of Homeland Security: “Alliance for System
Safety of Unmanned Aircraft Systems”
Department of Homeland Security: “National Earthquake Hazards Reduction
Program (NEHRP)”
Department of Homeland Security: “National Cybersecurity Preparedness
Department of Homeland Security: “Shelter and Services Program â€
“ Competitive”
Department of Homeland Security: Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program
Department of Homeland Security: Fire Prevention & Safety
Department of Homeland Security: “Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams
Grant Program”
Department of Homeland Security: Citizenship Integration Training Academy
Department of Homeland Security: “Cybersecurity
Workforce Development and Training for”
Department of Homeland Security: Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Green and Resilient Retrofit Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Housing Counseling Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Community Development Block Grant PRO Housing
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Community
Development Block Grant PRICE”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Manufactured Home Loan Insurance (Title I)
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mortgage Insurance Homes
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance
Homes for Disaster Victims”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance
Homes in Urban Renewal Areas”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mortgage Insurance Cooperative Projects
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mortgage Insurance Hospitals
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance
Nursing Homes, Intermediate Care”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance Purchase of Units in
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mortgage Insurance Rental Housing
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance
Rental and Cooperative Housing for Moderate”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mortgage Insurance Rental Housing for the Elderly
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance
Rental Housing in Urban Renewal Areas”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Property Improvement Loan Insurance for
Improving All Existing”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Supplemental Loan Insurance Multifamily
Rental Housing”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance for
the Purchase or Refinancing of Existing”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Supportive Housing for the Elderly
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Mortgage Insurance Combination and
Manufactured Home Lot”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Housing Counseling Assistance Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Manufactured Housing
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Adjustable Rate Mortgages
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Supportive Housing for Persons with
Disabil ties”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Home Equity Conversion Mortgages
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Housing Finance Agencies (HFA) Risk
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mult family Housing Service Coordinators
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Community Development Block
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Community
Development Block Grants/Special Purpose”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Community Development Block Grants/State’s program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Emergency Solutions Grant Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Home Investment Partnerships Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Self Help
Homeownership Opportunity Program”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Community Development Block
Grants Section 108”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single
Room Occupancy”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Economic Development Initiative, Community
Project Funding, and”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Section 4 Capacity Building for Community Development and
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Neighborhood
Stabilization Program (Recovery Act Funded)”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Community Compass Technical Assistance
and Capacity Building”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “National Homeless Data Analysis Project
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Rural Capacity Building for Community
Development and”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Continuum of Care Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Hurricane Sandy
Community Development Block”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: National Disaster Resilience Competition
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Housing Trust Fund
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Youth Homeless System Improvement Grants
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Veterans Housing
Rehabilitation and Modification Program”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Single Family Property Disposition
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Dollar Home Sales
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Housing Counseling Training Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Tenant Education and Outreach Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Project Rental Assistance
Demonstration (PRA”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Performance Based
Contract Administrator Program”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Fair Housing Assistance Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Fair Housing Initiatives Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Education and Outreach Initiatives
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Fair Housing Organization Initiatives
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Private Enforcement Initiatives
Department of Housing and Urban Development: General Research and Technology Activity
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Research, Evaluation, and Demonstrations”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Eviction Protection Grant Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Public Housing Operating Fund
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Lower Income Housing
Assistance Program Section 8 Moderate”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Indian Community Development Block
Grant Program”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Public and Indian Housing Indian Loan
Guarantee Program”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Demolition and
Revitalization of Severely Distressed”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Indian Housing Block Grants
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Title VI Federal Guarantees for
Financing Tribal”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Resident Opportunity and Supportive
Services Service”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Public Housing Capital Fund
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grants
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Loan Guarantees for Native Hawaiian
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Affordable Housing Development in Main
Street Rejuvenation”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mainstream Vouchers
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Family Unification Program (FUP)
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Mov ng to Work Demonstration Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead Based Paint Capital Fund Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Office of Native American Programs
Training and Technical”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Jobs Plus Pilot Initiative
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Family Self Sufficiency Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Tribal HUD VA
Supportive Housing Program”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Healthy Homes Weatherization
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead Technical Studies Grants
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Healthy Homes
Technical Studies Grants”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead Hazard Control Capacity Building
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Healthy Homes Production Program
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Radon Interventions in Public and Assisted
Mult family Housing”
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Lead Hazard Control for High Risk Areas
Department of Housing and Urban Development: “Older Adults Home
Modification Grant Program”
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement Assistance Narcotics
and Dangerous Drugs”
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement Assistance Narcotics
and Dangerous Drugs”
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement
Assistance Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs”
Department of Justice: Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Assistance Program
Department of Justice: “Culturally and
Linguistically Specific Services Program”
Department of Justice: Sexual Assault Services Formula Program
Department of Justice: Tribal Registry
Department of Justice: Justice Systems Response to Families
Department of Justice: “Sexual Assault Services
Culturally Specific Program”
Department of Justice: Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program
Department of Justice: “Special Domestic
Violence Criminal Jurisdiction”
Department of Justice: OVW Research and Evaluation Program
Department of Justice: “National Clearinghouse
on Sexual Assault of American Indian and”
Department of Justice: “Resource Center on Workplace Response to
Domestic Violence,”
Department of Justice: Office on Violence Against Women Special Projects
Department of Justice: National Center on Restorative Justice
Department of Justice: Emmett Till Cold Case Investigations Program
Department of Justice: “Academic based Drug Field Testing and
Training Initiative”
Department of Justice: “Coronavirus Emergency
Supplemental Funding Program”
Department of Justice: Preventing Trafficking of Girls
Department of Justice: “Comprehensive
Forensic DNA Analysis Grant Program”
Department of Justice: “Strengthening the Medical Examiner
Coroner System”
Department of Justice: National Decertification Index
Department of Justice: Rural Violent Crime Initiative
Department of Justice: “Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr Hate
Crimes Education,”
Department of Justice: “National Ashanti Alert Network Training and
Technical Assistance”
Department of Justice: “Security Assistance Reimbursement Grant
Department of Justice: Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program
Department of Justice: “Forensics Training and
Technical Assistance Program”
Department of Justice: “Community Based Violence Intervention
and Prevention Initiative”
Department of Justice: “Drug Data Research Center to Combat the
Opioid Crisis”
Department of Justice: “Community Based Approaches to
Advancing Justice”
Department of Justice: Khalid Jabara and Heather Heyer NO HATE Act
Department of Justice: “Supporting Vulnerable
and At Risk Youth Transitioning out of”
Department of Justice: “Missing and Unidentified Human
Remains (MUHR)”
Department of Justice: Crime Gun Intelligence Training and Education
Department of Justice: “Restorative Practices to
Address Domestic Violence, Dating”
Department of Justice: Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations
Department of Justice: Virtual Reality De escalation Training
Department of Justice: Tribal Special Assistant United States Attorneys
Department of Justice: National Deaf Services Line
Department of Justice: OVW LGBT Specific Services Program
Department of Justice: “Demonstration Program on Trauma Informed,
Victim Centered”
Department of Justice: “Tribal Special Criminal Jurisdiction
Department of Justice: “Local Law Enforcement Grants for Enforcement
of Cybercrimes”
Department of Justice: National Resource Center on Cybercrimes Against Individuals
Department of Justice: “Grants to State and
Tribal Courts to Implement Protection”
Department of Justice: “Financial Assistance to Victims of Domestic
Violence, Dating”
Department of Justice: “Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Training and
Department of Justice: “Training to Improve Police Based
Responses to the”
Department of Justice: Officer Robert Wilson III Preventing Violence Against Law
Department of Justice: “Family Based
Alternative Justice Program”
Department of Justice: “Community Based Violence Prevention
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement Assistance FBI
Advanced Police”
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement
Assistance FBI Crime Laboratory Support”
Department of Justice: Law Enforcement Assistance FBI Field Police Training
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement
Assistance FBI Fingerprint Identification”
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement Assistance National
Crime Information”
Department of Justice: Law Enforcement Assistance Uniform Crime Reports
Department of Justice: Combined DNA Index System
Department of Justice: Indian Country Investigations
Department of Justice: “Law Enforcement Assistance National
Instant Criminal”
Department of Justice: Services for Trafficking Victims
Department of Justice: Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve
Department of Justice: Legal Assistance for Victims
Department of Justice: “Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence,
Dating Violence, Sexual”
Department of Justice: OVW Technical Assistance Initiative
Department of Justice: “Enhanced Training and
Services to End Violence and Abuse of”
Department of Justice: “Education, Training, and Enhanced Services
to End Violence Against”
Department of Justice: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Department of Justice: Missing Children’s Assistance
Department of Justice: Delinquency Prevention Program
Department of Justice: “State Justice Statistics
Program for Statistical Analysis Centers”
Department of Justice: “National Criminal History Improvement
Program (NCHIP)”
Department of Justice: “State Domestic Violence and Sexual
Assault Coalitions”
Department of Justice: “Tribal Domestic
Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Grant”
Department of Justice: “National Institute of Justice Research,
Evaluation, and”
Department of Justice: Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program
Department of Justice: Crime Victim Assistance
Department of Justice: Crime Victim Compensation
Department of Justice: Public Benefit Conveyance Program
Department of Justice: “Crime Victim Assistance/
Discretionary Grants”
Department of Justice: “Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian
Department of Justice: “Treatment Court Discretionary Grant
Department of Justice: Violence Against Women Discretionary Grants for Indian Tribal
Department of Justice: Violence Against Women Formula Grants
Department of Justice: “Rural Domestic Violence, Dating
Violence, Sexual”
Department of Justice: “Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and
Enforcement of”
Department of Justice: “Residential Substance
Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners”
Department of Justice: Trible Justice Assistance
Department of Justice: Corrections Training and Staff Development
Department of Justice: “Corrections Research and Evaluation and
Policy Formulation”
Department of Justice: “Corrections Technical Assistance/
Department of Justice: State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
Department of Justice: Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program
Department of Justice: Tribal Justice Systems
Department of Justice: Project Safe Neighborhoods
Department of Justice: Regional Information Sharing Systems
Department of Justice: State and Local Anti Terrorism Training
Department of Justice: Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance
Department of Justice: “Public Safety Partnership and
Community Policing”
Department of Justice: Juvenile Mentoring Program
Department of Justice: Tribal Youth Program
Department of Justice: “Special Data
Collections and Statistical Studies”
Department of Justice: “PREA Program Strategic Support for
PREA Implementation”
Department of Justice: “Transitional Housing Assistance for Victims
of Domestic Violence,”
Department of Justice: “Edward Byrne Memorial
Justice Assistance Grant Program”
Department of Justice: National Prison Rape Statistics Program
Department of Justice: DNA Backlog Reduction Program
Department of Justice: “Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement
Grant Program”
Department of Justice: Criminal and Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Collaboration
Department of Justice: Capital Case Litigation Initiative
Department of Justice: “Support for Adam
Walsh Act Implementation Grant”
Department of Justice: “Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant
Department of Justice: “Economic, High Tech,
and Cyber Crime Prevention”
Department of Justice: Congressionally Recommended Awards
Department of Justice: “Harold Rogers
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program”
Department of Justice: Court Appointed Special Advocates
Department of Justice: Judicial Training on Child Maltreatment for Court Personnel
Department of Justice: “Improving the
Investigation and Prosecution of Child”
Department of Justice: Second Chance Act Reentry Initiative
Department of Justice: NICS Act Record Improvement Program
Department of Justice: “Tribal Civil and Criminal
Legal Assistance Grants, Training and”
Department of Justice: John R Justice Prosecutors and Defenders Incentive Act
Department of Justice: Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program
Department of Justice: Children Exposed to Violence
Department of Justice: Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence
Department of Justice: “Emergency Planning for
Juvenile Justice Facilities”
Department of Justice: “Emergency Law Enforcement Assistance
Department of Justice: Smart Prosecution Initiative
Department of Justice: Justice Reinvestment Initiative
Department of Justice: “Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision Program Applying the Principles”
Department of Justice: Girls in the Juvenile Justice System
Department of Justice: Children of Incarcerated Parents
Department of Justice: National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative
Department of Justice: Domestic Trafficking Victim Program
Department of Justice: Body Worn Camera Policy and Implementation
Department of Justice: Indigent Defense
Department of Justice: “Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and other
Substances Use”
Department of Justice: STOP School Violence
Department of Justice: Keep Young Athletes Safe
Department of Justice: VOCA Tribal Victim Services Set Aside Program
Department of Justice: Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
Department of Justice: “Combatting Contraband Cell Phone Use in
Pr sons”
Department of Justice: “Consolidated And Technical Assistance
Grant Program to”
Department of Justice: “Grants for Outreach
and Services to Underserved”
Department of Justice: Equitable Sharing Program
Department of Labor: Labor Force Statistics
Department of Labor: Pr ces and Cost of Living Data
Department of Labor: Productivity and Technology Data
Department of Labor: Compensation and Working Conditions
Department of Labor: Employee Benefits Security Administration
Department of Labor: “Employment Service/ Wagner Peyser Funded
Department of Labor: Unemployment Insurance
Department of Labor: Senior Community Service Employment Program
Department of Labor: Trade Adjustment Assistance
Department of Labor: WIOA Adult Program
Department of Labor: WIOA Youth Activities
Department of Labor: Workforce Data Quality Initiative (WDQI)
Department of Labor: National Farmworker Jobs Program
Department of Labor: “Native American
Employment and Training”
Department of Labor: H 1B Job Training Grants
Department of Labor: Reentry Employment Opportunities
Department of Labor: “Work Opportunity Tax
Credit Program (WOTC)”
Department of Labor: “Permanent Labor
Cert fication for Foreign Workers”
Department of Labor: “Temporary Labor
Cert fication for Foreign Workers”
Department of Labor: YouthBuild
Department of Labor: “WIOA National
Dislocated Worker Grants / WIA National”
Department of Labor: WIOA Dislocated Worker Formula Grants
Department of Labor: “WIOA Dislocated Worker National
Reserve Demonstration”
Department of Labor: WIOA Dislocated Worker National Reserve Technical
Department of Labor: Registered Apprenticeship
Department of Labor: “Job Corps Experimental Projects and Technical
Department of Labor: “Community Project Funding/
Department of Labor: “WIOA Adult, Dislocated
Worker and Youth Outlying Areas”
Department of Labor: Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation
Department of Labor: Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation
Department of Labor: “Energy Employees Occupational Illness
Department of Labor: International Labor Programs
Department of Labor: “Occupational Safety
and Health Susan Harwood Training”
Department of Labor: “Occupational Safety and Health State
Department of Labor: Consultation Agreements
Department of Labor: Mine Health and Safety Grants
Department of Labor: Brookwood Sago Grant
Department of Labor: Safety and Health Grants
Department of Labor: Women’s Bureau
Department of Labor: “Women in Apprenticeship and
Department of Labor: Disabil ty Employment Policy Development
Department of Labor: Jobs for Veterans State Grants
Department of Labor: “Homeless
Veterans†Reintegration Program”
Department of Labor: Transition Assistance Program
Department of State: “Academic Exchange Programs
Department of State: “Academic Exchange
Programs Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship”
Department of State: Academic Exchange Programs Special Academic Exchange
Department of State: “Professional and Cultural Exchange
Programs Special”
Department of State: “Thomas R Pickering Foreign Affairs
Fellowship Program”
Department of State: “Cultural, Technical and Educational Centers”
Department of State: “Environmental and
Scientific Partnerships and Programs”
Department of State: “Resettlement Support Centers (RSCs) for U S
Refugee Resettlement”
Department of State: “International Programs to Combat Human
Department of State: “Charles B Rangel International Affairs
Department of State: Investing in People in The Middle East and North Africa
Department of State: “Educational and
Cultural Exchange Programs Appropriation”
Department of State: Overseas Schools Program
Department of State: Soft Target Program for Overseas Schools
Department of State: “U S Ambassadors Fund for Cultural
Department of State: Global Peace Operations Initiative
Department of State: Energy Governance and Reform Programs
Department of State: “The U S President’s Emergency Plan for
AIDS Relief Programs”
Department of State: Global Threat Reduction
Department of State: Cyber Capacity Building
Department of State: Cultural Antiquities Task Force
Department of State: Public Diplomacy Programs
Department of State: International Fisheries Commissions
Department of State: Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
Department of State: Conflict and Stabilization Operations
Department of State: East Asia and Pacific Grants Program
Department of State: Fishermen’s Guaranty Fund
Department of State: Foreign Affairs IT (FAIT) Fellowship
Department of State: “William D Clarke, Sr Fellowship”
Department of State: Student Programs and Fellowships
Department of State: Ambassadors’ Special Self Help Fund
Department of State: Regional Democracy Program
Department of State: “Trans Sahara
Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP)”
Department of State: “South Sudan and Sudan Assistance
Department of State: Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund
Department of State: Africa Regional Democracy Fund
Department of State: Program for Study of Eastern Europe and the Independent States of
Department of State: “The Secretary’s Office
of the Global Partnership Initiative (S/”
Department of State: “Decrypting PRC Industrial and
Technology Policy”
Department of State: Economic Statecraft
Department of State: Office of the Biological Policy Staff
Department of State: “International Programs to Support Democracy,
Human Rights and”
Department of State: “International Programs to Support the Freedom
of Religion or Belief”
Department of State: “Academic Exchange Programs Graduate
Department of State: Academic Exchange Programs Scholars
Department of State: “Professional and
Cultural Exchange Programs International”
Department of State: Academic Exchange Programs Teachers
Department of State: “Professional and Cultural Exchange
Programs Citizen”
Department of State: “Academic Exchange Programs English
Language Programs”
Department of State: Academic Exchange Programs Educational Advising and Student
Department of State: ECA U S Speaker Program
Department of State: ECA – American Spaces
Department of State: ECA Individual Grants
Department of State: “Special International
Exchange Grant Programs”
Department of State: International Exchange Alumni Programs
Department of State: Middle East Partnership Initiative
Department of State: “Public Diplomacy Programs for
Afghanistan and”
Department of State: Middle East Regional Cooperation Program
Department of State: U S Refugee Admissions Program
Department of State: “Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs
for East Asia”
Department of State: “Contributions to International
Organizations for”
Department of State: “Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs
for Africa”
Department of State: Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Western
Department of State: “Overseas Refugee
Assistance Program for Middle East and North”
Department of State: “Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs
for Europe”
Department of State: “Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs
for Strategic Global”
Department of State: “Overseas Refugee Assistance Program for
South Asia”
Department of State: Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Department of State: Syria Assistance Program
Department of State: Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund
Department of State: “Global Telecommunications
and Emerging”
Department of State: Cyberspace and Digital Policy
Department of State: EUR/ACE National Endowment for Democracy Small
Department of State: Global Counterterrorism Programs
Department of State: Criminal Justice Systems
Department of State: Counter Narcotics
Department of State: Trans National Crime
Department of State: “Partnership for
Regional East Africa Counterterrorism”
Department of State: Assessed Contributions for State Department
Department of State: “Bureau of Western
Hemisphere Affairs (WHA) Grant Programs”
Department of State: “100,000 Strong in the
Americas Innovation Fund”
Department of State: “Contributions to
International Organizations CIO”
Department of State: “Voluntary Contributions to International
Department of State: Assessed Contributions to International Organizations
Department of State: “Bureau of International
Organization Affairs Grants Program”
Department of State: Weapons Removal and Abatement
Department of State: Office of Global Women’s Issues
Department of State: Mult lateral and Nuclear Affairs
Department of State: EUR Other
Department of State: Global Defense Reform Program
Department of State: “AEECA/ESF PD
Department of State: Export Control and Related Border Security
Department of State: “Cooperation on
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy”
Department of State: “Organization of American States
Department of State: “Assessed Contributions to International
Department of State: Regional Peace and Security
Department of State: Partnership for Regional East Africa Counterterrorism
Department of State: “State/African Regional
Other Economic Support Funds (ESF)”
Department of State: “International Justice and Accountability
Department of the Interior: Experienced Services Program
Department of the Interior: Outdoor Schools in National Parks
Department of the Interior: Alaska Native Science and Engineering
Department of the Interior: “Supporting the Lower
Mississippi Delta Initiative”
Department of the Interior: Good Neighbor Authority
Department of the Interior: Experienced Services Program
Department of the Interior: “Eastern Nevada
Conservation, Recreation and”
Department of the Interior: Energy Community Revitalization Program (ECRP)
Department of the Interior: Experienced Services
Department of the Interior: Aid To Tribal Governments
Department of the Interior: Consolidated Tribal Government
Department of the Interior: Tribal Self Governance
Department of the Interior: “Indian Self Determination Contract
Department of the Interior: “Services to Indian Children, Elderly and
Department of the Interior: Indian Adult Education
Department of the Interior: Assistance to Tribally Controlled Community Colleges and
Department of the Interior: “Tribally Controlled
Community College Endowments”
Department of the Interior: Tribal Courts
Department of the Interior: Indian Law Enforcement
Department of the Interior: Indian Community Fire Protection
Department of the Interior: Indian Economic Development
Department of the Interior: Road Maintenance Indian Roads
Department of the Interior: Agriculture on Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Forestry on Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Indian Rights Protection
Department of the Interior: Water Resources on Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Minerals and Mining on Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Real Estate Programs Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Environmental Management Indian
Department of the Interior: Indian School Equalization
Department of the Interior: Indian Child and Family Education
Department of the Interior: Indian Schools Student Transportation
Department of the Interior: “Administrative Cost
Grants for Indian Schools”
Department of the Interior: “Indian Education
Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance”
Department of the Interior: “Bureau of Indian Affairs
Facilities Operations and Maintenance”
Department of the Interior: Endangered Species on Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Litigation Support for Indian Rights
Department of the Interior: Attorney Fees Indian Rights
Department of the Interior: Navajo Hopi Indian Settlement
Department of the Interior: Indian Post Secondary Schools
Department of the Interior: Indian Graduate Student Scholarships
Department of the Interior: Indian Vocational Training United Tribes Technical College
Department of the Interior: “Indian Job Placement
United Sioux Tribes Development”
Department of the Interior: “Replacement and Repair of Indian
Department of the Interior: “Improvement and Repair of Indian
Detention Facilities”
Department of the Interior: Safety of Dams on Indian Lands
Department of the Interior: Tribal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Department of the Interior: Strengthening Tribal Nations
Department of the Interior: “Native Hawaiian Community Guest
Department of the Interior: Zoonotic Disease Initiative
Department of the Interior: Experienced Services Program
Department of the Interior: Pacific Northwest and Hawaiian Islands Arts
Department of the Interior: USGS Experienced Services Program
Department of the Interior: Earth Mapping Resources Initiative
Department of the Interior: Small Surface Water and Groundwater Storage Projects
Department of the Interior: Blackfeet Water Rights Settlement
Department of the Interior: Musselshell Judith Rural Water System
Department of the Interior: “Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, or
Replacement of Carey”
Department of the Interior: Snow Water Supply Forecasting
Department of the Interior: Experienced Services Program (ESP)
Department of the Interior: “Department of Interior Wildfire Management
Department of the Interior: DOI HQ Experienced Services Program
Department of the Interior: “Native Hawaiian Climate Resil ence
Department of the Interior: “Abandoned Hardrock
Mine Reclamation (AHMR/AML) Grants”
Department of the Interior: Indian Employment Assistance
Department of the Interior: Indian Social Services Welfare Assistance
Department of the Interior: Indian Education Higher Education Grant
Department of the Interior: Indian Loans Economic Development
Department of the Interior: Indian Education Assistance to Schools
Department of the Interior: “Native American Business Development
Department of the Interior: Indian Housing Assistance
Department of the Interior: Indian Child Welfare Act Title II Grants
Department of the Interior: Ironworker Training
Department of the Interior: Tribal Courts Trust Reform Initiative
Department of the Interior: “Tribal Energy Development Capacity
Department of the Interior: FOCUS on Student Achievement
Department of the Interior: Juvenile Detention Education
Department of the Interior: Education Enhancements
Department of the Interior: “Office of the Special
Trustee for American Indians, Field”
Department of the Interior: Tribal Climate Resilience
Department of the Interior: Cultural Resources Management
Department of the Interior: “BIA Wildland Urban
Interface Community Fire Assistance”
Department of the Interior: Native Language Immersion Grant
Department of the Interior: Tiwahe Housing
Department of the Interior: Tribal Education Departments
Department of the Interior: Land Acquisition Funding Program
Department of the Interior: Tribal Electrification Program
Department of the Interior: Non Sale Disposals of Mineral Material
Department of the Interior: Cooperative Inspection Agreements with States and Tribes
Department of the Interior: “Cultural and
Paleontological Resources”
Department of the Interior: Recreation and Visitor Services
Department of the Interior: “BLM Fuels Management and
Community Fire”
Department of the Interior: Wild Horse and Burro Resource Management
Department of the Interior: Invasive and Noxious Plant Management
Department of the Interior: Joint Fire Science Program
Department of the Interior: Forest and Woodlands Resource Management
Department of the Interior: “Secure Rural Schools and Community Self
Department of the Interior: “Southern Nevada
Public Land Management”
Department of the Interior: Environmental Quality and Protection
Department of the Interior: Rangeland Resource Management
Department of the Interior: Management Initiatives
Department of the Interior: “Indian Self Determination Act Contracts, Grants and”
Department of the Interior: “Youth Conservation
Opportunities on Public Lands”
Department of the Interior: Aquatics Resources Management
Department of the Interior: “Plant Conservation and Restoration
Department of the Interior: Threatened and Endangered Species
Department of the Interior: Wildlife Resource Management
Department of the Interior: National Landscape Conservation System
Department of the Interior: “Regulation of Surface Coal Mining and
Surface Effects of”
Department of the Interior: Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR)
Department of the Interior: Not for Profit AMD Reclamation
Department of the Interior: “OSM/VISTA
Department of the Interior: “Science and Technology Projects
Related to Coal Mining”
Department of the Interior: National Park Service Centennial Challenge
Department of the Interior: “Keweenaw National Historical Park (NHP)
Preservation Grants”
Department of the Interior: “Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management Renewable Energy”
Department of the Interior: Alaska Coastal Marine Institute
Department of the Interior: “Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
(BOEM) Environmental”
Department of the Interior: Marine Minerals Activities
Department of the Interior: Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management State and Tribal
Department of the Interior: State Select
Department of the Interior: 8(g) State Coastal Zone
Department of the Interior: Alaska Settlement Agreement
Department of the Interior: California Refuge Account
Department of the Interior: Flood Control Act Lands
Department of the Interior: Geothermal Resources
Department of the Interior: GoMESA
Department of the Interior: Late Disbursement Interest
Department of the Interior: Minerals Leasing Act
Department of the Interior: National Forest Acquired Lands
Department of the Interior: National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
Department of the Interior: South Half of the Red River
Department of the Interior: Safety and Environmental Research and Data
Department of the Interior: Alaska Native Science and Engineering
Department of the Interior: Not For Profit
Department of the Interior: Take Pride
Department of the Interior: “Water Recycling and
Desalination Construction Programs”
Department of the Interior: “Water Desalination
Research and Development”
Department of the Interior: “WaterSMART (Sustain
and Manage America†s”
Department of the Interior: “Providing Water to At Risk Natural Desert
Terminal Lakes”
Department of the Interior: “Title II, Colorado River Basin Salinity Control”
Department of the Interior: “Colorado Ute Indian
Water Rights Settlement Act”
Department of the Interior: Cultural Resources Management
Department of the Interior: “Central Valley Improvement Act, Title
Department of the Interior: “Reclamation States
Emergency Drought Relief”
Department of the Interior: Fort Peck Reservation Rural Water System
Department of the Interior: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
Department of the Interior: Garrison Diversion Unit
Department of the Interior: “Indian Tribal Water Resources
Department of the Interior: Lewis and Clark Rural Water System
Department of the Interior: “Lower Rio Grande Valley Water Resources
Conservation and”
Department of the Interior: Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project
Department of the Interior: Recreation Resources Management
Department of the Interior: Rocky Boy’s/North Central Montana Regional Water System
Department of the Interior: San Gabriel Basin Restoration
Department of the Interior: “Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins
Endangered Fish”
Department of the Interior: Water Conservation Field Services (WCFS)
Department of the Interior: “Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement
Department of the Interior: “Central Valley, Trinity River Division, Trinity River Fish and Wildlife”
Department of the Interior: “California Water
Security and Environmental”
Department of the Interior: “Upper Colorado River Basin Fish and Wildlife
Department of the Interior: “Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species
Department of the Interior: “Lower Colorado River
Multi Species Conservation”
Department of the Interior: Equus Beds Division Acquifer Storage Recharge
Department of the Interior: Lake Mead/Las Vegas Wash
Department of the Interior: Colorado River Basin Act of 1968
Department of the Interior: Arizona Water Settlement Act of 2004
Department of the Interior: Lake Tahoe Regional Wetlands Development
Department of the Interior: Platte River Recovery Implementation
Department of the Interior: Youth Conservation
Department of the Interior: FISH ABLE Fun with Reclamation
Department of the Interior: Navajo Gallup Water Supply
Department of the Interior: Eastern New Mexico Rural Water System
Department of the Interior: Cooperative Watershed Management
Department of the Interior: San Joaquin River Restoration
Department of the Interior: Applied Science Grants
Department of the Interior: White Mountain Apache Tribe Rural Water System
Department of the Interior: “New Mexico Rio
Grande Basin Pueblos Irrigation Infrastructure”
Department of the Interior: SECURE Water Act – Research Agreements
Department of the Interior: Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement
Department of the Interior: Central Valley Project Conservation
Department of the Interior: Implementation of the Taos Pueblo Indian water rights settlement
Department of the Interior: Upper Klamath Basin Water Supply Alignment
Department of the Interior: Colorado River System Conservation Pilot
Department of the Interior: Educational Outreach
Department of the Interior: Bay Delta Restoration Program
Department of the Interior: Salton Sea Program
Department of the Interior: Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Program
Department of the Interior: Water Storage Enhancement
Department of the Interior: “Yakima River Basin
Water Enhancement Phase III (Yakima Basin”
Department of the Interior: Domestic Water Supply Projects
Department of the Interior: Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Program
Department of the Interior: Sport Fish Restoration
Department of the Interior: “Fish and Aquatic
Conservation Aquatic Invasive Species”
Department of the Interior: “Wildlife Restoration and Basic Hunter Education
and Safety”
Department of the Interior: “Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection
and Restoration”
Department of the Interior: “Cooperative
Endangered Species Conservation Fund”
Department of the Interior: Clean Vessel Act
Department of the Interior: Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund
Department of the Interior: African Elephant Conservation Fund
Department of the Interior: Asian Elephant Conservation Fund
Department of the Interior: Sportfishing and Boating Safety Act
Department of the Interior: “North American Wetlands Conservation
Department of the Interior: Enhanced Hunter Education and Safety
Department of the Interior: Mult state Conservation Grant
Department of the Interior: Great Ape Conservation Fund Africa
Department of the Interior: Coastal
Department of the Interior: Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Department of the Interior: State Wildlife Grants
Department of the Interior: Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation
Department of the Interior: Alaska Subsistence Management
Department of the Interior: Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
Department of the Interior: Tribal Wildlife Grants
Department of the Interior: Latin America and Caribbean Regional
Department of the Interior: “Alaska Migratory Bird
Co Management Council”
Department of the Interior: Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
Department of the Interior: Migratory Bird Conservation
Department of the Interior: “Central Valley Project Improvement Act
Department of the Interior: Central Africa Regional
Department of the Interior: Invasive Species
Department of the Interior: National Outreach and Communication
Department of the Interior: National Wildlife Refuge System Enhancements
Department of the Interior: “Migratory Bird Monitoring, Assessment
and Conservation”
Department of the Interior: Endangered Species Recovery Implementation
Department of the Interior: “Natural Resource
Damage Assessment and Restoration”
Department of the Interior: Candidate Species Conservation
Department of the Interior: Lower Snake River Compensation Plan
Department of the Interior: Great Lakes Restoration
Department of the Interior: “NFWF USFWS
Conservation Partnership”
Department of the Interior: “Fish and Wildlife
Coordination and Assistance”
Department of the Interior: National Wetlands Inventory
Department of the Interior: “Endangered Species Conservation Wolf
Livestock Loss”
Department of the Interior: Highlands Conservation
Department of the Interior: Coastal Impact Assistance
Department of the Interior: Cooperative Landscape Conservation
Department of the Interior: Adaptive Science
Department of the Interior: Yukon River Salmon Research and Management
Department of the Interior: “National Fire Plan
Wildland Urban Interface Community”
Department of the Interior: “Youth Engagement,
Education, and Employment”
Department of the Interior: “Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
Activities FWS”
Department of the Interior: Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units
Department of the Interior: Combating Wildlife Trafficking
Department of the Interior: Mex can Wolf Recovery
Department of the Interior: Cooperative Agriculture
Department of the Interior: Experienced Services
Department of the Interior: “Prescott Marine
Mammal Rescue Assistance”
Department of the Interior: “White nose Syndrome National Response
Department of the Interior: National Fish Passage
Department of the Interior: National Fish Habitat Partnership
Department of the Interior: Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control
Department of the Interior: Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act
Department of the Interior: Great Ape Conservation Fund Asia
Department of the Interior: “Rhinoceros Conservation Fund
Department of the Interior: Nicodemus National Historic Site
Department of the Interior: “Assistance to State Water Resources
Research Institutes”
Department of the Interior: Earthquake Hazards Program Assistance
Department of the Interior: “U S Geological Survey Research and Data
Department of the Interior: National Cooperative Geologic Mapping
Department of the Interior: Cooperative Research Units
Department of the Interior: “National Geological and Geophysical Data
Department of the Interior: “National Land Remote Sensing Education
Outreach and Research”
Department of the Interior: “National Geospatial Program Building The
National Map”
Department of the Interior: Volcano Hazards Program Research and Monitoring
Department of the Interior: “National and Regional
Climate Adaptation Science Centers”
Department of the Interior: “USGS Cooperative Landslide Hazard
Mapping and”
Department of the Interior: “Economic, Social, and Political Development of
the Territories”
Department of the Interior: Historic Preservation Fund Grants In Aid
Department of the Interior: National Historic Landmark
Department of the Interior: “Outdoor Recreation Acquisition,
Development and”
Department of the Interior: “Rivers, Trails and Conservation
Department of the Interior: “Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act”
Department of the Interior: “National Center for
Preservation Technology and”
Department of the Interior: National Maritime Heritage Grants
Department of the Interior: American Battlefield Protection
Department of the Interior: Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants
Department of the Interior: Save America’s Treasures
Department of the Interior: Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network
Department of the Interior: “Youth and Veteran Organizations
Conservation Activities”
Department of the Interior: “Preservation of Historic Structures on the
Campuses of”
Department of the Interior: “Preservation of Japanese American
Confinement Sites”
Department of the Interior: National Trails System Projects
Department of the Interior: “Boston African
American National Historic Site”
Department of the Interior: Heritage Partnership
Department of the Interior: “Mississippi National River and Recreation
Area State and Local”
Department of the Interior: “Environmental
Outreach and Conservation North”
Department of the Interior: Challenge Cost Share
Department of the Interior: Natural Resource Stewardship
Department of the Interior: “Cooperative Research and Training Programs
– Resources of the”
Department of the Interior: Cultural Resources Management
Department of the Interior: “National Fire Plan
Wildland Urban Interface Community”
Department of the Interior: “National Park Service
Conservation, Protection, Outreach,”
Department of the Interior: “Martin Luther King Junior National Historic
Site and Preservation”
Department of the Interior: “Cooperative
Management of Ebey’s Landing National”
Department of the Interior: “Emergency
Supplemental Historic Preservation Fund”
Department of the Interior: Route 66 Corridor Preservation
Department of the Interior: Education Program Management
Department of the Interior: Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive
Department of the Interior: National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
Department of the Interior: “Southwest Border Resource Protection
Department of the Interior: 9/11 Memorial Act Grant Program
Department of the Interior: “Groundwork
Brownfield to Greenspace”
Department of the Interior: Historic Preservation Fund Grants in Aid for Competitive Grants
Department of the Interior: “National Wildland Fire
Management and Natural Resource”
Department of the Interior: “Upper Mississippi River Restoration Long Term
Resource Monitoring”
Department of the Interior: National Ground Water Monitoring Network
Department of the Interior: Water Use and Data Research
Department of the Interior: “NPS Alaska Subsistence
Department of the Interior: September 11 National Memorial Trail
Department of the Treasury: “Exchange of Federal Tax Information With
State Tax Agencies”
Department of the Treasury: Tax Counseling for the Elderly
Department of the Treasury: Low Income Taxpayer Clinics
Department of the Treasury: “Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Matching Grant”
Department of the Treasury: Capital Magnet Fund
Department of the Treasury: Native Initiatives
Department of the Treasury: Community Development Financial Institutions Bond
Department of the Treasury: “Resources and
Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist”
Department of the Treasury: Equitable Sharing
Department of the Treasury: “Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for
Results Act (SIPPRA)”
Department of the Treasury: “Coronavirus Relief
Pandemic Relief for Aviation Workers”
Department of the Treasury: Coronavirus Relief Fund
Department of the Treasury: “Community Development Financial
Institutions Program”
Department of the Treasury: Bank Enterprise Award Program
Department of the Treasury: Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Department of the Treasury: “Community
Development Financial Institutions Rapid”
Department of the Treasury: Small Dollar Loan Program
Department of the Treasury: Homeowner Assistance Fund
Department of the Treasury: Coronavirus Economic Relief for Transportation Services Act
Department of the Treasury: Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund
Department of the Treasury: Emergency Capital Investment Program
Department of the Treasury: “State Small Business Credit Initiative
Technical Assistance”
Department of the Treasury: Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund
Department of the Treasury: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
Department of the Treasury: “State Small Business
Credit Initiative Competitive Technical”
Department of the Treasury: Interest on the Public Debt
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of benefits and allowances to
armed forces personnel”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of income
earned abroad by U S citizens”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of certain allowances for Federal employees abroad
Department of the Treasury: “Reduced tax rate on
active income of controlled foreign”
Department of the Treasury: “Deduction for foreign derived intangible
income derived from”
Department of the Treasury: Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporations (IC
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of research
and experimentation expenditures (normal”
Department of the Treasury: Credit for increasing research activities
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of exploration and
development costs, oil”
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of
exploration and development costs, coal”
Department of the Treasury: “Excess of percentage
over cost depletion, oil and gas”
Department of the Treasury: “Excess of percentage
over cost depletion, coal”
Department of the Treasury: “Exception from passive loss limitation for
working interests in oil”
Department of the Treasury: Enhanced oil recovery credit
Department of the Treasury: Marginal wells credit
Department of the Treasury: “Amortize all geological and geophysical
expenditures over 2”
Department of the Treasury: Capital gains treatment of royalties on coal
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of interest on energy facility bonds
Department of the Treasury: Qualified energy conservation bonds
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of utility conservation subsidies
Department of the Treasury: “Credit for holding clean renewable energy
Department of the Treasury: Energy production credit
Department of the Treasury: Energy investment credit
Department of the Treasury: Advanced nuclear power production credit
Department of the Treasury: Zero emiss on nuclear power production credit
Department of the Treasury: “Reduced tax rate for nuclear
decommissioning funds”
Department of the Treasury: Alcohol fuel credits
Department of the Treasury: “Bio Diesel and small
agri biodiesel producer tax credits”
Department of the Treasury: Clean fuel production credit
Department of the Treasury: Clean hydrogen production credit
Department of the Treasury: Tax credit for clean vehicles
Department of the Treasury: Tax credits for refueling property
Department of the Treasury: “Tax credits for clean
fuel burning vehicles and refueling property”
Department of the Treasury: “Allowance of deduction for certain energy
efficient commercial”
Department of the Treasury: “Credit for construction of new energy efficient
Department of the Treasury: “Credit for energy
efficiency improvements to existing homes”
Department of the Treasury: Credit for residential energy efficient property
Department of the Treasury: Advanced energy property credit
Department of the Treasury: “Advanced manufacturing
production credit”
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of exploration and
development costs,”
Department of the Treasury: “Excess of percentage
over cost depletion, nonfuel minerals”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest on bonds for water,
sewage, and hazardous”
Department of the Treasury: Capital gains treatment of certain timber income
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of mult period timber
growing costs”
Department of the Treasury: Tax incentives for preservation of historic structures
Department of the Treasury: Carbon oxide sequestration credit
Department of the Treasury: “Deduction for endangered species
recovery expenditures”
Department of the Treasury: Expensing of certain capital outlays
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of certain mult period production
Department of the Treasury: Treatment of loans forgiven for solvent farmers
Department of the Treasury: “Capital gains treatment
of certain agriculture income”
Department of the Treasury: Income averaging for farmers
Department of the Treasury: Deferral of gain on sale of farm refiners
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of
reforestation expenditures”
Department of the Treasury: Exemption of credit union income
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of life
insurance death benefits”
Department of the Treasury: “Exemption or special alternative tax for small
property and casualty”
Department of the Treasury: Tax exemption of insurance income earned by tax exempt
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest
spread of financial institutions”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest on
owner occupied mortgage subsidy”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of interest on rental housing bonds
Department of the Treasury: “Deductibility of
mortgage interest on owner occupied homes”
Department of the Treasury: “Deductibility of State
and local property tax on owner occupied”
Department of the Treasury: Deferral of income from installment sales
Department of the Treasury: Capital gains exclusion on home sales
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of net imputed rental income
Department of the Treasury: “Exception from passive
loss rules for $25,000 of rental loss”
Department of the Treasury: Credit for low income housing investments
Department of the Treasury: “Accelerated depreciation on rental
housing (normal tax”
Department of the Treasury: Discharge of mortgage indebtedness
Department of the Treasury: Premiums for mortgage insurance deductible as interest
Department of the Treasury: Discharge of business indebtedness
Department of the Treasury: Exceptions from imputed interest rules
Department of the Treasury: Treatment of qualified dividends
Department of the Treasury: “Capital gains (except
agriculture, timber, iron ore, and coal)”
Department of the Treasury: “Capital gains exclusion of small corporation
Department of the Treasury: Step up basis of capital gains at death
Department of the Treasury: Carryover basis of capital gains on gifts
Department of the Treasury: Ordinary income treatment of loss from sma l business
Department of the Treasury: “Deferral of capital gains
from like kind exchanges”
Department of the Treasury: “Depreciation of buildings other than
rental housing (normal”
Department of the Treasury: “Accelerated depreciation of
machinery and”
Department of the Treasury: “Expensing of certain sma l investments
(normal tax method)”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of interest on sma l issue bonds
Department of the Treasury: Special rules for certain film and TV production
Department of the Treasury: “Allow 20 percent deduction to certain
pass through income”
Department of the Treasury: “Advanced manufacturing
investment credit”
Department of the Treasury: Tonnage tax
Department of the Treasury: Deferral of tax on shipping companies
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of reimbursed employee parking
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion for employer provided transit passes
Department of the Treasury: “Tax credit for certain expenditures for
maintaining railroad”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest on
bonds for Highway Projects and rail truck”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest for airport, dock, and
similar bonds”
Department of the Treasury: “Exemption of certain mutuals’ and
cooperatives’ income”
Department of the Treasury: Empowerment zones
Department of the Treasury: New markets tax credit
Department of the Treasury: “Credit to holders of Gulf
and Midwest Tax Credit Bonds”
Department of the Treasury: Recovery Zone Bonds
Department of the Treasury: Tribal Economic Development Bonds
Department of the Treasury: Opportunity Zones
Department of the Treasury: Disaster employee retention credit
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of scholarship
and fellowship income (normal tax method)”
Department of the Treasury: “Tax credits for post secondary education
Department of the Treasury: Deductibility of student loan interest
Department of the Treasury: “Qualified tuition
programs (includes Education IRA)”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of interest on student loan bonds
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest on
bonds for private nonprofit educational”
Department of the Treasury: Credit for holders of zone academy bonds
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of interest on savings bonds redeemed to finance
Department of the Treasury: “Parental personal
exemption for students age 19 or over”
Department of the Treasury: “Deductibility of
charitable contributions to educational”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of employer provided educational
Department of the Treasury: Special deduction for teacher expenses
Department of the Treasury: Discharge of student loan indebtedness
Department of the Treasury: Qualified school construction bonds
Department of the Treasury: Work opportunity tax credit
Department of the Treasury: Employer provided child care exclusion
Department of the Treasury: Employer provided child care credit
Department of the Treasury: Assistance for adopted foster children
Department of the Treasury: Adoption credit and exclusion
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of employee
meals and lodging (other than military)”
Department of the Treasury: Credit for child and dependent care expenses
Department of the Treasury: Credit for disabled access expenditures
Department of the Treasury: “Deductibility of charitable contributions,
other than education”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of certain foster care payments
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of parsonage allowances
Department of the Treasury: Indian employment credit
Department of the Treasury: “Employer provided paid family and medical
leave credit”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of employer contributions for
medical insurance”
Department of the Treasury: Self employed medical insurance premiums
Department of the Treasury: “Medical Savings
Accounts / Health Savings Accounts”
Department of the Treasury: Deductibility of medical expenses
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest on hospital construction
Department of the Treasury: Refundable Premium Assistance Tax Credit
Department of the Treasury: Credit for employee health insurance expenses of small
Department of the Treasury: “Deductibility of
charitable contributions to health institutions”
Department of the Treasury: Tax credit for orphan drug research
Department of the Treasury: Special Blue Cross/Blue Shield tax benefits
Department of the Treasury: “Distributions from
retirement plans for premiums for health”
Department of the Treasury: Credit for family and sick leave taken by self employed individuals
Department of the Treasury: Child credit
Department of the Treasury: Other Dependent Tax Credit
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of railroad retirement (Social
Security equivalent)”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of workers’ compensation benefits
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of public assistance benefits
(normal tax method)”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of special benefits for disabled
coal miners”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of military disability pensions
Department of the Treasury: Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings Defined
Department of the Treasury: “Net exclusion of
pension contributions and earnings Defined”
Department of the Treasury: “Net exclusion of pension contributions
and earnings Individual”
Department of the Treasury: “Net exclusion of pension contributions
and earnings Low and”
Department of the Treasury: “Net exclusion of pension contributions
and earnings Self”
Department of the Treasury: Small employer pension plan startup credit
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of other
employee benefits Premiums on group”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of other employee benefits
Premiums on accident”
Department of the Treasury: “Income of trusts to finance supplementary
unemployment benefits”
Department of the Treasury: “Income of trusts to
finance voluntary employee benefits”
Department of the Treasury: Special Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) rules
Department of the Treasury: Additional deduction for the blind
Department of the Treasury: Additional deduction for the elderly
Department of the Treasury: Deductibility of casualty losses
Department of the Treasury: Earned income tax credit
Department of the Treasury: Recovery rebate credits
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of social security benefits Social
Security benefits for”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of social
security benefits Credit for certain employer”
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of veterans
death benefits and disability compensation”
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of veterans pensions
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of GI bill benefits
Department of the Treasury: Exclusion of interest on veterans housing bonds
Department of the Treasury: “Exclusion of interest on
public purpose State and local bonds”
Department of the Treasury: Build America Bonds
Department of the Treasury: “Deductibility of nonbusiness State and
local taxes other than”
Department of the Treasury: Deferral of interest on U S savings bonds
Department of Transportation: “Airport Improvement Program, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs”
Department of Transportation: Aviation Research Grants
Department of Transportation: Air Transportation Centers of Excellence
Department of Transportation: “Aircraft Pilots Workforce Development Grant
Department of Transportation: “Aviation Maintenance
Technical Workforce Grant Program”
Department of Transportation: “Fueling Aviation†s Sustainable Transition
via Sustainable Aviation”
Department of Transportation: Highway Research and Development Program
Department of Transportation: Highway Planning and Construction
Department of Transportation: Highway Training and Education
Department of Transportation: Motor Carr er Safety Assistance
Department of Transportation: Recreational Trails Program
Department of Transportation: “Transportation Infrastructure Finance
and Innovation Act”
Department of Transportation: Federal Lands Access Program
Department of Transportation: Performance and Registration Information Systems Management
Department of Transportation: “Commercial Driver’s
License Program Implementation Grant”
Department of Transportation: Border Enforcement Grants
Department of Transportation: Safety Data Improvement Program
Department of Transportation: “Commercial Motor
Vehicle Operator Safety Training Grants”
Department of Transportation: Motor Carr er Safety Assistance High Priority Activities Grants and
Department of Transportation: “Fuel Tax Evasion Intergovernmental
Enforcement Effort”
Department of Transportation: “Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement
Training and Support”
Department of Transportation: Railroad Safety
Department of Transportation: Railroad Research and Development
Department of Transportation: Railroad Development
Department of Transportation: “National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Department of Transportation: “Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement
Financing Program”
Department of Transportation: Capital Assistance to States Intercity Passenger Rail Service
Department of Transportation: “Maglev Project
Selection Program SAFETEA LU”
Department of Transportation: “High Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity
Passenger Rail Service”
Department of Transportation: Rail Line Relocation and Improvement
Department of Transportation: Railroad Safety Technology Grants
Department of Transportation: Fiscal Year 2013 Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Grants
Department of Transportation: Restoration and Enhancement
Department of Transportation: “Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and
Safety Improvements”
Department of Transportation: “Federal State Partnership for Intercity
Passenger Rail”
Department of Transportation: Railroad Crossing Elimination
Department of Transportation: Interstate Rail Compacts
Department of Transportation: Federal Transit Capital Investment Grants
Department of Transportation: “Metropolitan Transportation Planning
and State and Non”
Department of Transportation: Federal Transit Formula Grants
Department of Transportation: “Formula Grants for
Rural Areas and Tribal Transit Program”
Department of Transportation: “Enhanced Mobility of
Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities”
Department of Transportation: “Job Access and Reverse Commute
Department of Transportation: Clean Fuels
Department of Transportation: Paul S Sarbanes Transit in the Parks
Department of Transportation: New Freedom Program
Department of Transportation: “Passenger Rail Investment and
Improvement (PRIIA)”
Department of Transportation: State of Good Repair Grants Program
Department of Transportation: “Buses and Bus
Facilities Formula, Competitive, and Low”
Department of Transportation: “Public Transportation Emergency Relief
Department of Transportation: “Rail Fixed Guideway Public Transportation
System State Safety”
Department of Transportation: Bus Testing
Department of Transportation: Public Transportation Innovation
Department of Transportation: “Technical Assistance
and Workforce Development”
Department of Transportation: “Passenger Ferry Grant Program, Electric or
Low Emitting Ferry Pilot”
Department of Transportation: All Stations Accessibility Program
Department of Transportation: “Community Project
Funding Congressionally”
Department of Transportation: State and Community Highway Safety
Department of Transportation: National Driver Register
Department of Transportation: Alcohol Open Container Requirements
Department of Transportation: Minimum Penalties for Repeat Offenders for Driving While
Department of Transportation: “Incentive Grant
Program to Prohibit Racial Profiling”
Department of Transportation: “National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA)”
Department of Transportation: National Priority Safety Programs
Department of Transportation: “State Electronic Data Collection (SEDC)
Program Grant”
Department of Transportation: Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety
Department of Transportation: Motor Vehicle Safety Research
Department of Transportation: “Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative
Department of Transportation: “State Process for Informing Consumers of
Department of Transportation: “Pipeline Safety
Program State Base Grant”
Department of Transportation: University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation: “Interagency Hazardous Materials Public Sector
Training and Planning”
Department of Transportation: “Pipeline Emergency Response Grant
Department of Transportation: “Hazardous Materials State Inspection (HMSI)
Department of Transportation: “Natural Gas Distribution
Infrastructure Safety and Modernization”
Department of Transportation: Technical Assistance Grants
Department of Transportation: “State Damage Prevention Program
Department of Transportation: “PHMSA Pipeline Safety Program One Call
Department of Transportation: PHMSA Pipeline Safety Research and Development
Department of Transportation: “Pipeline Safety
Research Competitive Academic Agreement”
Department of Transportation: “PHMSA Pipeline Safety Underground Natural
Gas Storage Grant”
Department of Transportation: Federal Ship Financing Guarantees
Department of Transportation: Maritime War Risk Insurance
Department of Transportation: State Maritime Schools
Department of Transportation: U S Merchant Marine Academy
Department of Transportation: Capital Construction Fund
Department of Transportation: Construction Reserve Fund
Department of Transportation: “Maritime Security Fleet
Program or Ship Operations Cooperation”
Department of Transportation: Assistance to Small Shipyards
Department of Transportation: United States Marine Highway Grants
Department of Transportation: Air Em ssions and Energy Initiative
Department of Transportation: Ballast Water Treatment Technologies
Department of Transportation: Maritime Studies and Innovations
Department of Transportation: Women on the Water (WOW)
Department of Transportation: Port Infrastructure Development Program
Department of Transportation: Cable Security Fleet Program
Department of Transportation: Tanker Security Program
Department of Transportation: Payments for Essential Air Services
Department of Transportation: “Transportation Research and
Department of Transportation: Assistance to Small and Disadvantaged Businesses
Department of Transportation: “Payments for Small
Community Air Service Development”
Department of Transportation: “Transportation Planning, Research and
Department of Transportation: National Infrastructure Investments
Department of Transportation: “Nationally Significant
Freight and Highway Projects”
Department of Transportation: Transportation Demonstration Program
Department of Transportation: “National Infrastructure
Project Assistance (Mega Projects)”
Department of Transportation: “Rural Surface Transportation Grant
Department of Transportation: Safe Streets and Roads for All
Department of Transportation: “Reconnecting
Communities Pilot (RCP) Discretionary”
Department of Transportation: “Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing
Department of Transportation: “Thriving Communities Program Capacity
Builders Cooperative”
Department of Transportation: “Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot
Department of Transportation: Autonomous Vehicle Research in Rural Communities Program
Department of Transportation: “Asset Concessions and
Innovative Finance Assistance”
Department of Transportation: “Research Partnership on Climate Change and
Department of Transportation: “Advanced Bridge Technology
Clearinghouse (ABTC)”
Department of Transportation: “MOBILITY EQUITY RESEARCH
Department of Transportation: “Br dge and Other
Transportation Infrastructure Research”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Grants to States for Construction of State
Home Facilities”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veterans State Domiciliary Care
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veterans State Nursing Home Care
Department of Veterans Affairs: VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veterans State Adult Day Health Care
Department of Veterans Affairs: Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Life Insurance for Veterans Direct
Payments for Insurance”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve
Department of Veterans Affairs: “VA Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Department of Veterans Affairs: “VA Grants for Adaptive Sports Programs for
Disabled Veterans and”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veterans Transportation Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: VA U S Paralympics Monthly Assistance Allowance Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: CHAMPVA
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Specially Adapted Housing Assistive
Technology Grant”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Payments to States for Programs to Promote
the Hiring and”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Research and Development
Department of Veterans Affairs: Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant
Department of Veterans Affairs: Legal Services for Veterans Grants
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Suicide Mortality Review Cooperative
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Veteran and Spouse Transitional Assistance
Grant Program”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Automobiles and
Adaptive Equipment for Certain Disabled”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Burial Expenses Allowance for Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Pension for Non
Service Connected Disabil ty for Veterans”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Pension to Veterans Surviving Spouses, and
Department of Veterans Affairs: Specially Adapted Housing for Disabled Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Veterans Compensation
for Service Connected Disabil ty”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Veterans Dependency
and Indemnity Compensation for”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Veterans Housing Guaranteed and
Insured Loans”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veteran Readiness and Employment
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Survivors and
Dependents Educational Assistance”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Veterans Housing
Direct Loans for Certain Disabled Veterans”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Post Vietnam Era Veterans’ Educational
Department of Veterans Affairs: All Volunteer Force Educational Assistance
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Vocational and
Educational Counseling for Servicemembers”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Native American Veteran Direct Loan
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Monthly Allowance for Children of Vietnam
Veterans Born with”
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Vocational Training and
Rehabilitation Benefits for Children of Vietnam”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: National Cemeteries
Department of Veterans Affairs: “Procurement of Headstones and
Markers and/or”
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veterans Cemetery Grants Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: Veterans Legacy Grants Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: VA Casket or Urn Allowance Program
Department of Veterans Affairs: “VA Outer Burial Receptacle Allowance
Environmental Protection Agency: Air Pollution Control Program Support
Environmental Protection Agency: State and Tribal Indoor Radon Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: Ozone Transport Commission
Environmental Protection Agency: “Surveys, Studies, Research,
Environmental Protection Agency: “Internships, Training and Workshops for the
Office of Air and”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Training, Investigations, and Special Purpose
Activities of Federally”
Environmental Protection Agency: Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) National Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: “Diesel Emissions
Reduction Act (DERA) State Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Temporally Integrated Monitoring of
Ecosystems (TIME) and”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Wildfire Smoke Preparedness in
Community Buildings”
Environmental Protection Agency: Clean School Bus Program
Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: “Hydrofluorocarbon Reclaim and Innovative
Destruction Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Greenhouse Gas and Zero Emission On road
Mobile Source”
Environmental Protection Agency: Clean Heavy Duty Vehicles Program
Environmental Protection Agency: Clean Ports Program
Environmental Protection Agency: Healthy Communities Grant Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Puget Sound Protection
and Restoration Tribal”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Puget Sound Action
Agenda Technical”
Environmental Protection Agency: Geographic Programs – Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs
Lake Pontchartrain Basic Restoration”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs San Francisco Bay
Water Quality”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Southeast New England
Coastal Watershed”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Gulf Coast Ecosystem
Restoration Council”
Environmental Protection Agency: Congressionally Mandated Projects
Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Finance Center Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: Mult purpose Grants to States and Tribes
Environmental Protection Agency: “Compliance Assistance Support for Services to
the Regulated”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental Justice
Collaborative Problem Solving Cooperative”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Training and Special Purpose”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental Justice
Government to Government (EJG2G)”
Environmental Protection Agency: “International Compliance and
Enforcement Projects”
Environmental Protection Agency: Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works
Environmental Protection Agency: “Water Pollution Control
State, Interstate, and Tribal Program Support”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Surveys, Studies,
Investigations, Demonstrations, and”
Environmental Protection Agency: State Public Water System Supervision
Environmental Protection Agency: “State Underground
Water Source Protection”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Surveys, Studies,
Investigations, Demonstrations, and”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs
– Long Island Sound Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant
Environmental Protection Agency: Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Small and
Environmental Protection Agency: “Reducing Lead in
Drinking Water (SDWA 1459B)”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Voluntary School and Child Care Lead Testing
and Reduction Grant”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce
Development Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Technical Assistance for
Treatment Works (Clean Water Act [CWA”
Environmental Protection Agency: Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant
Environmental Protection Agency: “Drinking Water System
Infrastructure Resilience and”
Environmental Protection Agency: Water Quality Management Planning
Environmental Protection Agency: National Estuary Program
Environmental Protection Agency: Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Environmental Protection Agency: Nonpoint Source Implementation Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: “Regional Wetland Program Development
Environmental Protection Agency: “National Wetland Program Development
Grants and Five Star”
Environmental Protection Agency: Geographic Programs Chesapeake Bay Program
Environmental Protection Agency: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Great Lakes
Restoration Initiative”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Beach Monitoring and Notification Program
Implementation Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative
Environmental Protection Agency: Geographic Programs – Gulf of Mexico Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs
– Lake Champlain Basin Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs South Florida
Geographic Initiatives”
Environmental Protection Agency: Support for the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan
Environmental Protection Agency: “Underground Injection
Control Program Grants Class VI”
Environmental Protection Agency: Non State Member Support for the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan
Environmental Protection Agency: “Response to Emergency Situations
Affecting Public Water”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Control
Environmental Protection Agency: Senior Environmental Employment Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Science To Achieve
Results (STAR) Research Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Surveys, Studies, Investigations and
Special Purpose Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Office of Research and Development
Consolidated Research/”
Environmental Protection Agency: “P3 Award National Student Design
Competition for”
Environmental Protection Agency: State Senior Environmental Employment Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Innovative Water
Technology Grant Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: Enhanced Aquifer Use and Recharge Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental Protection Consolidated
Grants for the Insular”
Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Justice Small Grant Program
Environmental Protection Agency: Performance Partnership Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental
Information Exchange Network Grant Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Protection of Children from Environmental
Health Risks”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Surveys, Studies, Investigations and
Special Purpose Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Policy and Innovation Grants
Environmental Protection Agency: Financial Assistance For Community Support Activities To Address
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental Justice
Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental and Climate Justice
Community Change”
Environmental Protection Agency: Consolidated Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative
Environmental Protection Agency: “Toxic Substances
Compliance Monitoring Cooperative”
Environmental Protection Agency: “TSCA Title IV State Lead Grants
Cert fication of Lead”
Environmental Protection Agency: Pollution Prevention Grants Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Pesticide Environmental
Stewardship Program (PESP) Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Research,
Development, Monitoring, Public”
Environmental Protection Agency: Source Reduction Assistance
Environmental Protection Agency: “PRIA 5 Farm Worker and Health Care
Provider Training and”
Environmental Protection Agency: Reducing Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions for
Environmental Protection Agency: “Pesticide Registration
Improvement Act Employee Training”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Hazardous Waste Management State
Program Support”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Superfund State, Political Subdivision,
and Indian Tribe Site”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Underground Storage
Tank (UST) Prevention, Detection, and”
Environmental Protection Agency: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Corrective Action
Environmental Protection Agency: “Superfund Technical
Assistance Grants (TAG) for Community”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Solid Waste Management
Assistance Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Superfund State and Indian Tribe Core
Program Cooperative”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Hazardous Waste
Management Grant Program for Tribes”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Alternative or Innovative Treatment Technology
Environmental Protection Agency: “Brownfields Training, Research, and
Technical Assistance”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Brownfields Job Training Cooperative
Environmental Protection Agency: Headquarters and Regional Underground Storage Tanks Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “State and Tribal
Response Program Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Brownfields Mult purpose,
Assessment, Revolving”
Environmental Protection Agency: “STATE PROGRAMS FOR CONTROL OF
Environmental Protection Agency: “Solid Waste Infrastructure for
Recycl ng Infrastructure”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Reduce, Reuse, Recycl ng Education and Outreach Grants”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Indian Environmental
General Assistance Program (GAP)”
Environmental Protection Agency: “International Financial Assistance Projects
Sponsored by the Office”
Environmental Protection Agency: “National Environmental Education Training
Environmental Protection Agency: “Environmental
Education Grants Program”
Environmental Protection Agency: Targeted Airshed Grant Program
Environmental Protection Agency: “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
National Clean”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation
Environmental Protection Agency: “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar
for All”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Fund Clean Communities”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Superfund State and Indian Tribe Combined
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Columbia River Basin
Restoration (CRBR)”
Environmental Protection Agency: “Geographic Programs Chesapeake Bay
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: “Employment
Discrimination Private Bar Program”
Executive Office of the President: “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
Executive Office of the President: “DFC NATIONAL COMMUNITY
Executive Office of the President: Anti Doping Activities
Executive Office of the President: Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance
Executive Office of the President: Model Acts Program
Executive Office of the President: Research and Data Analysis
Executive Office of the President: Congressional Directives
Export Import Bank of the United States: “Export Loan
Guarantee/Insured Loans”
Federal Communications Commission: UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND HIGH COST
Federal Communications Commission: UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND LIFELINE
Federal Communications Commission: “UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND SCHOOLS and
Federal Communications Commission: COVID 19 Telehealth Program
Federal Communications Commission: Connected Care Pilot Program
Federal Communications Commission: Affordable Connectivity Program
Federal Communications Commission: “Emergency
Connectivity Fund Program”
Federal Communications Commission: “Supply Chain
Reimbursement Program”
Federal Communications Commission: “Affordable Connectivity
Outreach Grant Program”
Federal Communications Commission: Cybersecurity Pilot Program
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal Subcommittee: State Appraiser Agency Support Grants
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal Subcommittee: “Training and Technical
Assistance for State Appraiser Regulatory”
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal Subcommittee: Board Support and Innovation Grant
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council: “Federal Permitting Improvement Steering
Council Environmental”
General Services Administration: Disposal of Federal Surplus Real Property
General Services Administration: Donation of Federal Surplus Personal Property
General Services Administration: Sale of Federal Surplus Personal Property
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council: “Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council
Comprehensive Plan”
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council: “Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Oil
Spill Impact Program”
Inter American Foundation: IAF Assistance for Overseas Programs
Inter American Foundation: IAF Assistance for Overseas Programs
Japan U S Friendship Commission: Japan U S Friendship Commission Grants
Library of Congress: Teaching with Primary Sources
Library of Congress: Library of Congress Grants
Library of Congress: “Connecting
Communities Digital Initiative”
Library of Congress: “Of the People Community Collections
Library of Congress: “Affiliate Centers for the Book Programming
Library of Congress: “Lewis Houghton Civics and Democracy
Millennium Challenge Corporation: MCC Foreign Assistance for Overseas Programs
Morris K Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation: Morris K Udall Scholarship Program
Morris K Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation: Morris K Udall Fellowship Program
Morris K Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation: “Morris K Udall Native American
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Science
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Aeronautics
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Exploration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Space Operations
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Office of Stem Engagement (OSTEM)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Mission Support
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Space Technology
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Congressionally Directed Programs
National Archives and Records Administration: “National Archives Reference Services
Historical Research”
National Archives and Records Administration: National Historical Publications and Records Grants
National Council on Disability: National Council on Disabil ty
National Credit Union Administration: “Community Development Revolving
Loan Fund Program for”
National Endowment for the Arts: “Promotion of the Arts Grants to Organizations
and Individuals”
National Endowment for the Arts: Promotion of the Arts Partnership Agreements
National Endowment for the Arts: Arts and Artifacts Indemnity
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the
Humanities Federal/ State Partnership”
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the Humanities Challenge
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the Humanities Division of
Preservation and”
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the
Humanities Fellowships and Stipends”
National Endowment for the Humanities: Promotion of the Humanities Research
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the
Humanities Teaching and Learning”
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the Humanities
National Endowment for the Humanities: Promotion of the Humanities Public Programs
National Endowment for the Humanities: “Promotion of the
Humanities Office of Digital Humanities”
National Science Foundation: Engineering
National Science Foundation: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
National Science Foundation: Geosciences
National Science Foundation: “Computer and
Information Science and Engineering”
National Science Foundation: Biological Sciences
National Science Foundation: “Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences”
National Science Foundation: STEM Education (formerly Education and Human Resources)
National Science Foundation: Polar Programs
National Science Foundation: “Office of International Science and
National Science Foundation: Integrative Activities
National Science Foundation: “NSF Technology,
Innovation, and Partnerships”
Northern Border Regional Commission: Northern Border Regional Development
Nuclear Regulatory Commission: “U S Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Minority Serving”
Nuclear Regulatory Commission: “U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Scholarship and”
Nuclear Regulatory Commission: “U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Research”
Office of the Director Of National Intelligence: “Intelligence Community
Centers for Academic Excellence”
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Pension Plan Termination Insurance
Railroad Retirement Board: Social Insurance for Railroad Workers
Railroad Retirement Board: Social Insurance for Railroad Workers
Small Business Administration: 8(a) Business Development Program
Small Business Administration: 7(j) Technical Assistance
Small Business Administration: Disaster Assistance Loans
Small Business Administration: Small Business Investment Companies
Small Business Administration: 7(a) Loan Guarantees
Small Business Administration: Surety Bond Guarantees
Small Business Administration: SCORE
Small Business Administration: Small Business Development Centers
Small Business Administration: 504 Certified Development Loans
Small Business Administration: Women’s Business Ownership Assistance
Small Business Administration: Veterans Outreach Program
Small Business Administration: Microloan Program
Small Business Administration: Pr me Technical Assistance
Small Business Administration: Native American Outreach
Small Business Administration: “Ombudsman and
Regulatory Fairness Boards”
Small Business Administration: 7(a)Export Loan Guarantees
Small Business Administration: HUBZone Program
Small Business Administration: “Federal and State Technology Partnership
Small Business Administration: Congressional Grants
Small Business Administration: State Trade Expansion
Small Business Administration: Intermediary Loan Program
Small Business Administration: Growth Accelerator Fund Competition
Small Business Administration: “Transition Assistance – Entrepreneurship
Track (Boots to”
Small Business Administration: Regional Innovation Clusters
Small Business Administration: SBA Emerging Leaders initiative
Small Business Administration: “Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Emergency Advance”
Small Business Administration: Paycheck Protection Loan Program (PPP)
Small Business Administration: “Shuttered Venue
Operators Grant Program”
Small Business Administration: Lab to Market
Small Business Administration: Community Navigator Pilot Program
Small Business Administration: Restaurant Revitalization Fund
Small Business Administration: Cybersecurity for Small Business Pilot Program
Social Security Administration: Social Security Disabil ty Insurance
Social Security Administration: Social Security Retirement Insurance
Social Security Administration: Social Security Survivors Insurance
Social Security Administration: Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Administration: “Social Security
Research and Demonstration”
Social Security Administration: “Social Security Work
Incentives Planning and Assistance Program”
Social Security Administration: “Social Security State Grants for Work
Incentives Assistance to”
Social Security Administration: “Analyzing Relationships between Disability, Rehabilitation, and”
Social Security Administration: “Interventional
Cooperative Agreement Program”
Social Security Administration: “Strengthening Protections for Social
Security Beneficiaries”
Social Security Administration: “Special Benefits for Certain World War II
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission: “Southeast Crescent
Regional Commission Economic and”
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: American Latino Museum Internship and Fellowship Initiative
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: 21st Century Museum Professional Program
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: “Museum Grants for American Latino History
and Culture”
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: Museums for America
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: “Native American/Native
Hawaiian Museum Services Program”
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: “Museum Grants for African American
History and Culture”
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: Grants to States
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: “Native American and Native Hawaiian Library
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: National Leadership Grants
The Institute of Museum and Library Services: “Laura Bush 21st
Century Librarian Program”
U S Agency for Global Media: “International Broadcasting
Independent Grantee”
U S Election Assistance Commission: Help America Vote College Program
U S Election Assistance Commission: “Help America Vote Act Requirements
U S Election Assistance Commission: HAVA Election Security Grants
United States Institute of Peace: Pr or ty Grant Competition
United States International Development Finance Corporation: Equity Investments
United States International Development Finance Corporation: Debt Financing
United States International Development Finance Corporation: Political Risk Insurance
United States International Development Finance Corporation: Technical Assistance and Feasibility Studies
You say that like it’s a bad thing. lol
F**ked. As in we are. Rise up oh you people that voted for this lunatic.